
Tuesday 6 December 2016


When I woke up today, I was given the word 'ARAMATHEOPIST', sounding like Aromatherapist, such an interesting word. There was a 15th century rabbi with the name of Isaac ben Moses Arama, (1420-1494) he was a Spanish rabbi and author. After the Jewish people went through the expulsion from Spain, he settled in Naples in Italy.

He wrote a commentary upon the "Five Scrolls" and a work called Hazut Kashah (A Difficult Vision) upon the relation of philosophy to theology. He called out the Christians for refusing to recognise Jewish revelation.

Arama believed that prophecy was always miraculous.

Interesting that he viewed astrology as the basis for messianic calculations.


In Hebrew, the word ARAM means "Exalted", and it is biblical. It is written that David wrote of his striving with Aram-Naharaim. Aram of the two rivers and the King of Aram was Syrian. There is also the people that were known as the Aramaeans.,_son_of_Shem

We also find a link with MARI, and the goddess of the vase. 18th century BC. When I was teaching Reiki Healing, I was divinely instructed to have a glass vase of water on the altar. At the end of the training course, the students were able to drink from the blessings that had been poured in it during our time together.

Of course, the vase is also associated with the aromatherapy, and Magdalene's jar, sometimes referred to as the Alabaster Jar. We find the aromatic essences and natures cures in many different art forms.

There are connections in Romania, and there are rivers with the name ARAMA, including a river in Brazil. Rio Arama, Portuguese. There is also a town in Northern Spain with the name Arama.

The word THEO derives from the Greek word THEOS and it can be found in the New Testament and in the book of Revelation. Scholars usually translate it as God, when in fact it is more properly translated as 'god' or 'goddess'.

The word PIST is also found in "PISTIS SOPHIA', more Greek, in it the transfigured Jesus spends eleven years speaking with his disciples teaching them the lower mysteries. After eleven years, it is written that he received his true garment and it was then that he was able to reveal the higher mysteries revered by his group of companions that he was teaching. Jesus wasn't just teaching his followers about the mysteries of life, he was teaching his followers how to become miracle workers.

22 years of teaching his followers the mysteries of how the soul could reach the highest divine realms. 22 a Master number, the numeric of angels, leadership and charity. 22 the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet and this year while I was painting in my healing room, Hebrew letters were appearing before me on the walls. The room was divinely blessed by the divine.

When the companions of Jesus questioned him on Sophia, the text says that he spoke of how some called her "PISTIS".

Pistis, is an Ancient Greek word, translation given, 'TRUST'. A goddess personifying Trust, Faith, and Trustworthiness.

Also interesting that we find the word MAT in it, and that relates to the Law of Maat, the law of truth, for how can you know the truth of it, unless you have been involved in it and worked with it?

Then I can also see the word of MATH, the numerics of it, the numeric consequences and the impact of the vibrations. Just as when we healers bless the water, it creates a change in it. Another reason why Jesus liked to teach close to water, because he knew that the water would hold the memory of it.


Scientists have confirmed that water holds memory, and I was sent to various locations to bless the water and Reiki teachers share with their students how to bless the water, and the food that they eat, how to give it healing.

If we take everything into account, my view of this word means that a person as numerous competences, skills and talents, and a "Aramatheopist", knows how to use these skills and talents to produce the best outcomes.

Sometimes on my spiritual journey, I have been given names, like the day that Jesus called me "Lotus Feet",  it was a description for my state of being, of enlightenment.  On that day he also said that we were going to Damascus next. We did, in September 2007, we went to Damascus Gate, in Jerusalem.

Sometimes I am given titles, in my experience, titles are really given when you have accomplished something, when you have earned it. In the same way when Malchizedek gave the title, "Spiritual Psychologist", divinely, all of those years ago. I had been divinely trained and it was a working title that described an accomplishment and that is why a website was developed to share some of what it had to offer to help the people.

Staff of Might, Psalm 110.

Some might view it as an intellectual achievement, when a person has been intellectually developed by the divine, to work in all of the spheres and realities presented to you. It can also signify the completion of a spiritual transformation intelligently,  and an Israeli once shared with me that my name means "completion of truth exists". So for instance, Carl Jung had some of what was required, but he didn't have all of it.

Another reason why at the end of his life he decided that he wished that he had spent his life studying mysticism and alchemy. He and Freud also knew that those referred to as Essenes were natural spiritual psychologists. Although as we know, those that lived in the spiritual communities with the healers did receive divine training and training from those that they lived with.

Not all mystics venture or are led into the ancient texts divinely, and if you are, then it has a divine purpose and important reason for being, so just go with the flow of your journey and where you are being taken to discover the reason why.  Not all mystics are healers, or complimentary therapists, and it was usually the case that some of the Christian mystics like St Julian were often anchors for the light.

There have been Christian mystics that are writers about their divine experiences, like St Julian of Norwich, although it is rare to find a person that has divine experience across the board that includes a healing career with miracles included. In addition of the inclusion of philosophy and theology with real experience of it.

We can also see from the profile of Isaac ben Moses Arama, that the work of the Jewish mystics as often been refused. Prophet Isaiah also gave a prophecy about the refusal in Isaiah 8, and that is why Christians were called out because of it. Jesus also spoke of how if his healers were refused, then judgement would come upon those towns and cities.

The last time that I went into a Christian Church, I reminded the people of that fact. It was also foretold that we would bring back what they required to remember his teachings and sometimes, judgement isn't what the Christians like to hear. Interesting in recent days, I was compelled to call out another British politician who is trying to get business people to spend money on adapting their premises so that disabled people can go to work for them.

Work should be a choice, not enforced upon anyone, least of all people that have any serious health issues. Let me give you an example; Would you in this timeline, send a vulnerable 13 year old child in a wheelchair out to deliver the newspapers? Or how about collecting for charity after sundown in a block of flats, or working in a shop on a Saturday, because that is what I was willing and able to do at the age of 13.

Also when you own your own business you should be able to hire people of your own choice, that's the freedom that owning your own business gives you, the best people for the business, not people that the "career politicians" decide you have to employ. Business is an incredibly competitive environment, and you have to be physically, emotionally, and mentally fit enough for it.

Remember this that Jesus spoke of the law in terms of freedom, the only law worthy of humanity, is the law that gives freedom. That doesn't mean forcing disabled people to get on the government "hamster wheel", or go into business that can be like a "minefield" after the government has made you into one of their 'tax-collectors'.  As an ex-business woman, and a hirer of staff, including consultants, I seriously know what I am talking about.

The last thing that the UK requires is to end up like America with its tent cities, and the 'disabled' working in pound warehouses in their wheelchairs. Dignity is essential and in integrity, I support the human right to dissent from what the government is proposing to do to our business community and the 'disabled', when they don't even have enough jobs for those that are perfectly physically fit.

The latest report from the FSB in the UK, said that their members could not confirm when they would have the financial opportunity to hire more staff in the foreseeable future. That means they were not predicting business growth that could afford increased employment at this time. Then if you view that in light of the recent view of the Bank of England, they're saying that 15M more jobs will be going due to technological robots.

The fact is that the way that humanity views life as to change, society has to change the way that it is living, for it to survive the next technological and earth changes. It was a known fact in the 70s that in this timeline there would not be jobs for everyone.

Yet, the British government is still trying to force the 'disabled', and elderly to go to work to pay them even more tax than they already receive. Every single person is a tax payer, everyone pays tax on purchases. So making people work until they are 70 years of age is not helping the youth and the healthy younger members of society to prosper. When people have worked really hard during their lives, they seriously require a retirement. Retirement is essential so that young people can get on in life, that doesn't mean that our skills cannot be utilised, in the way that we choose for our skills and talents to benefit humanity.

That then brings us back to the little green men in the Church, the Archbishop mentions how they haven't been led by the poor, I would say to him, that the Church has to be reformed again by the mystical healers. What charity is there for the healers, and the mystics that have spirituality and truth growing, who is qualified to look after those people when they get older?  Who is defending the reality of the Church and the Christians if not us? Remember this we discipline those that we love.

Remember this that eventually technology will kill itself, in the same way that it killed jobs, technology did not save Steve Jobs, remember that.

1 comment:

  1. Author Jeff Benner wrote this in a recent newsletter.

    In Hebrew the name Aramnaharaim is written as two words – ארם נהרים (aram naharayim, Strong's #763). The word ארם (aram, Strong's #758) is the name for the region of Aram, modern day Syria. The inhabitants of Aram were the Arameans, and their language is called Aramean or Aramaic. This word is not used in the Bible as a noun, but it means "elevated," "a high place."
