
Sunday 4 December 2016


I recommend that all women read this article that is an EPILEPSY ALERT, and the impact that the drugs can have on your children. UK Charities, Young Epilepsy, Epilepsy Action, and the Epilepsy Society interviewed 3,000 women with the brain condition for the new research. 

In 2013, researchers found that 48,000 children born to mothers in the UK, who have taken the drug since it was first introduced in 1973, found that 19,200 have developed either "physical" or "mental problems". The article shares with you that this is a much higher number than those affected in the thalidomide scandal of the 1960s. The drug is being dubbed the "New Thalidomide". 

It would be interesting to know how many of those children were breast fed, as in the 80's, it was rare to have women breastfeeding in the maternity ward. I remember when I was in maternity in 1983, and I was only one of five women that was breastfeeding, and the sister and nurses made a real fuss of us. As they were so happy that we were breastfeeding. 

My son's dad had epilepsy, and he wasn't allowed to have some of his vaccinations due to it too. In fact, I am very pleased about that, that he only had very few of what was essential at the time. I think if I had known then what I know now, whether to or not vaccinate a child, would be a very difficult decision to make. I have read that Israel don't give their babies the same vaccinations, and that is why in Israel, some people have allergic reactions to sesame, instead of nuts. 

It's also important to point out that Great Ormand Street did a two year study with children that suffered from epilepsy, and they found that the children that were put on a high protein, low carb diet, eradicated the condition. 

1 comment:

  1. More news on Epilepsy. American Drug Corporation Pfizer fined £84.2M after NHS were over-charged for Epilepsy drug that was hiked by 2.600%

    Pfizer has been fined a record £84.2 million by the competition watchdog for its role in over-charging the NHS after the price of an epilepsy drug was hiked by up to 2,600% overnight.
    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) also fined distributor Flynn Pharma £5.2 million after it accused the pair of "excessive and unfair" pricing for a vital medicine used by around 48,000 patients in the UK.
    In handing out its biggest ever fine, the watchdog said the "extraordinary" price hikes cost the NHS and taxpayer tens of millions of pounds.

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