
Sunday 4 December 2016


A couple of weeks ago a saw a lovely little dog in the window of a window shop, absolutely gorgeous that puppy was. So yesterday, I popped in and asked what breed the doggie in the window was. It was amazingly sweet, such a lovely temperament and disposition in it's chocolate brown.

Absolutely adorable, all curly like a little lamb. My mum used to say that cheese makes your hair curly, although it was my mum that was making my hair curly. Children would laugh at my curly hair, mum wished to be a hairdresser, but Sophia wouldn't let her due to the chemicals, my gran was definitely switched on to the light of love.

Anyway, my mum and her passion for hairdressing was upon her daughter instead. I always used to say that she was a "frustrated hairdresser", although she could turn her creative hands to any creative skills, she definitely had creative talent, from floristry, needlework, cooking, to window dressing for her bosses. This time of year, she would be getting everything ready for the holidays, everything would look so special, incredibly perfect and exceptional.


Back to that puppy, curly browned haired puppy, I was told that it was a Cockapoo, a cross between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. I could definitely live with one of these as a companion, so adorable.

They're like little teddy bears, how could anyone not wish to have one of these lovely healers? I could definitely take one of these to bed with me.

Dogs are so powerful for healing, that reminds me of Jacqueline, that developed Shiastu for Dogs, after she launched "Shiatsu for Horses" in the UK, we had some REIKI fun together.

One became a thousand healers on my watch, prophecy was fulfilled, and Jesus said to Peter, Peter, feed my lambs.

Did you know that the healing dog is biblical? Did you know that it was a woman that taught Jesus about the power of the dog? Anthony Artus also developed a therapy for dogs too, bless him, he was an incredible healer. He was at university when he passed over, he was doing some scientific research at the time, I often wonder what happened to his research and what he was working on. I had a dream of him about a year ago, and he was concerned about the children.

Did you know that you can do aromatherapy with dogs and there are flower essences for dogs too, that was a lovely journey, kinesiology, and the iridology for animals too, amazing.

Dogs require healing, just like people do, we were even able to access the past lives of dogs and how their past life memories were impacting on this lifetime.  Our healers armed by faithfulness. 

The last time I spoke to Jacqueline, I said, 'Have you written that book yet?' For the best publicity for the healing work, is a book about the credibility of the healing work. May all the healers that have been so successful, write their books with their miracle case studies. That's our legacy, the legacy of the miracle workers. 

For it is known that when miracles happen, the kingdom of God is upon you. Jacqueline's life story is a miracle in itself, our connection was meant to be. A woman that worked so hard to bring a new therapy for animals to the UK, Jacqueline devoted her time, energy and financial resources to bring it to the people, truly an act of God.

I am pleased that I was chosen to share some of the journey with Jacqueline, to help catapult the client that first contacted yours truly in the 90s'. We certainly had some laughs and tears of dew along the way, while both of our lives were being transformed.

Jacqueline was one of the first people that got in contact, after I returned from abroad, I said to her, 'How did you know that I was back in the country?' She responded, that she just knew it, she could feel it, my energy was back in the UK.

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