
Sunday 20 November 2016


England is bracing itself for 80mph winds from the Angus Storm and I can hear it roaring outside.

There is a castle in Scotland in Angus and interesting that Donald J Trump is half Scottish, I think that is his feisty side of his character. On this video you will see the beautiful Glamis Castle, in Angus, Scotland. It looks just like the castle that I saw in the week of seven dreams. It looks like a European castle.

In the dream there were two dogs, the white boxer, and then after that there was the bulldog that became "injured" due to it running in front of a car, and I said that I couldn't afford to pay for the vet.

We've recently had poppy day in the UK, remembrance day, for the veterans. Today, I watched a video of an interview with the chief editor of Breitbart from London, and how all the reporter had to question him on; was why he wasn't wearing a poppy whilst in New York. As if that is the most important thing about the day, when there is so much going on in the world and especially in New York. 

I've noted that Jeremy Corbyn has come out against Donald J Trump, the President-Elect of the USA, I have noted that Corbyn has come out against Nigel Farage and has even tweeted it.

Goodness gracious me, Jeremy Corbyn that was against the EU for 40 years and then supported it when we had a referendum. Corbyn is out of touch with the people in our county, and how strongly people feel about "cultural genocide" that is co-created by decades of immigration. 

The people are rising up in the Western nations, to save our countries. Obama is against nationalism, and patriotism, and asked our people to stay in the EU, Obama is now throwing his 'fear tactics", at Europeans and saying that if we leave the EU, there will be a "bloodbath" due to a war. He's even repeating the "Clinton Hysteria" about Russia.

What Obama has to learn is that people of faithfulness, people of love beyond measure, are dauntless, our love for each other overcomes "fear" that Obama has tried to inflict. We didn't buy into it from Cameron, and we are certainly not buying it from Obama. Obama isn't even welcome by the people of Peru or Greece, remember how the women in Egypt responded? They told him to leave their country alone. 

Europe is not like it was in the 20th century Obama. This is the 21st century and it was born in wisdom, do catch up. The last thing that Corbyn should've done is stand against Farage and Trump. Corbyn that had a short career stint in education, prior to becoming a career politician. 

The world has had enough of career politician's Jeremy, career politicians that cease to be willing to relate to the hearts of the peoples that are doing their utmost to defend their cultures, from what you embrace. Another reason why Clinton did not win, America chose a businessman for obvious reasons. Both Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg were confident that Trump will make a good president. 

Interesting that Nigel mentioned to Trump about putting the old bust of Winston Churchill back in the White House and the bulldog was his symbol. The bulldog that I saw was two toned in the dream.

What else is happening? A Scottish man called out the politicians on national television, on "Question Time", over both BREXIT and Donald Trump.

The Scots are rising up Angus, and they're also calling out Nicola Sturgeon for trying to hold another referendum until she gets the result that she would like. Nicola Sturgeon also stood against Donald J Trump, did Nicola really think that she could impact upon the choices made by the American people? 

Some Americans have gone after Nigel Farage since the outcome of the election, some have also gone after Julian Assange with their tweets. However, let me tell you this, Americans should be respectful and graceful about the outcome due to the fact, that Clinton really destroyed herself, with her own hands, as I forewarned that they would.

The hands that wrote those emails. Clinton wrote those emails, and Assange disclosed them to show Americans who Clinton really is. and what she really thinks about Americans, it exposed the Clinton "blood sucker", the woman that made her wealth originally by taking the "blood of prisoners".

The lawyer, Clinton didn't tell the American people about that business did she? How about the Clooney's? You know that feminist woman Amal, that hasn't done anything to intervene in British lawmaking that was against the poorest of the nation, women and children. So much for her being a so-called feminist.

Corbyn has to catch up with the people in the UK, and where a majority of the countries stand. As Farage has far greater support than Corbyn realises. Nigel as been a true statesman and those that have engaged with his work in the last decade respect him beyond measure.

A man that was prepared to raise his head, and stick by his principles, come hell or high water, Nigel did not give up, or give in, he did not waiver, and we won together with tenacity and courage. Now accept it gracefully, and with respect for the people of the UK who made their voices heard at the voting booth. 

We exalt Julian Assange for all of his great work too, we exalt the investigative journalists, both in the UK and abroad. We exalt those that stand in integrity against all odds. We exalt those that approach matters legally, scientifically and peacefully.  MEP's have been discussing how we can protect the whistleblowers that are helping our countries to call governments, organisations, public and private companies to account for their words, deeds and actions. 

Integrity will prevail, truth will prevail. The voice of the people of integrity will continue to win in this timeline; for it is divine intervention. The vulnerable will be protected, our people are dauntless, and confident, our people are ready.

So what's for dinner? I'm having a chicken casserole, great winter warmer and very healthy. 

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