
Saturday 19 November 2016

STAFF of MIGHT Psalm 110

"Of David a psalm. The word of the Lord to my master; "Wait for My right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool at your feet. The staff of your might the Lord will send from Zion; rule in the midst of your enemies. Your people will volunteer on the day of your host, because of the beauty of your holiness when you fell from the womb; for you, your youth is like dew. 

The Lord swore and will not repent; you are a priest forever because of the speech of Malchizedek. 

The Lord, on your right hand, has crushed kings on the day of his wrath. He will execute justice upon the nations [into] a heap of corpses; He crushed the head on a great land. From the stream on the way he would drink, therefore, he raised his head." Psalm 110, translation from Hebrew from Chabad.

"Youth like dew", a beautiful saying, that signifies the morning dew that gently waters the flowers, hence the flower power and the youth in that timeline. Water is also symbolic of the divine feminine and in Buddhism the dew is about healing, the purple dew.

An interesting Psalm that mentions the great land, when you combine it with current events and the slogan of Donald Trump, making America great again. Then when you include the work that Julian Assange as done, immense work that provided the disclosures about America.

On Twitter it also mentions the words of Julian, and how he likes to protect the vulnerable, and "crush the bastards'. As he lives on the land that is known as Great Britain, Julian Assange has certainly gained a lot of volunteers to help him to spread the Wikileaks news, an internet cyber army.

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