
Friday 4 November 2016

Russell Brand American Stats

After what we've seen going on in America, I wouldn't trust any stats or polls that come out of that country. I don't even trust UK polls, let alone, polls from a different country. How much sillier can Russell Brand and O'Reilly get when they take the American stats seriously? Do you remember the polls on the day of BREXIT?

Russell Brand is promoting that socialism is cool again and cites some American stats. Where has he been, and what planet is he on? In my experience with Americans most do not embrace socialism, in fact, there appears to be an inbred generational fear of it in their culture. Remember Clinton kept on shouting out the 'Russians Did It'. 

America has a huge amount of Christians, the largest population of Christians in any single country, but most still do not embrace that Jesus was a socialist. Although he embraced the business people that some might call "Capitalists", especially those that he considered were worthy to fund his healers. 

In fact, Jesus was also a CEO of his NGO, that was a spiritual community where people lived and worked together. In ancient Israel, and throughout the middle east they were known as "prophet schools".

With those known as Essenes you had to live them for two years before you were taught anything, as they had to know that people could be trusted with what the healers were sharing. You had to be willing to contribute and work in the spiritual community; when you were young enough to do so.

In England we have socialist businessmen too, although you can tell how truly Christian they are, and whether they live in integrity with the law of the prophets, by how many individual healers, and complimentary medicine therapists that they fund with their wages. And how many spiritual eco communities that they have helped to become established.

You see Jesus knew what had to happen to help the poor and he viewed it that only the worthy helped the poor. Remember what he said, the workers are few. He was talking about his miracle workers.

When Jesus and his healers didn't receive what they were worthy to receive financially, he told them that the world was not worthy of them, and that judgement would come upon those towns and cities.

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