
Friday 4 November 2016


This week I received five different dreams, and in one of the dreams a bulldog ran out into the road and a car hit it. The English bulldog laid there cut open and bleeding. In the dream I said, 'I can't afford a vet'.

Now the English bulldog is mostly associated with Winston Churchill, and on November 8th it's Remembrance Day in the UK. Otherwise known as Poppy Day. In numerics the 8th of November is the 'Day of Borderline' and in the dream I was in some kind of park, in the distance I could see an historical building that looked like a European castle with spires, and turrets. That European castle was on a hill.

What else is happening on November 8?
The American Presidential election.

No coincidence then that the last time I was shown a vision of the White House, there was a coffin on the lawn with an American flag draped over it. 

What has Jacob Rees-Mogg been up to in England? He's been talking about the freedom of the press and that the media should not be afraid to print what the rich may dislike. He's responding to an amendment of the investigative powers bill. Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame.

Feedback from Jacob on the courts decision about BREXIT.

1 comment:

  1. Investment bankers are 'Fretting'.
