
Saturday 5 November 2016

November 5th Sparklers

The sparklers that children held in their hands, on Guy Fawkes night. Are often held at other times. In this video, the Indian woman is talking about the words of William Blake, and Jerusalem.

I had a dream at dawn and I saw an old snowy owl and sometimes in dream interpretation that can foretell 'discord' or 'reversals', in family or otherwise. Although in Greece, the owl was a symbol of Minerva, a symbol of wisdom, it can also be a totem animal.

There has been some sad news today about a Jockey, and the rich man's sport is mentioned in Zechariah 12. Jerusalem and Judah is also mentioned in it. Jerusalem was made immovable.

Jockey, Freddy Tyliki is in intensive care in St Georges hospital. 

In olden days poor children would go out prior to this date, and ask for a penny for the guy, to pay for their sparklers. Although it pleased me to see that there had been children in Liverpool, that gave their pennies to a homeless man. Such great compassion in the hearts of the children.

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