
Sunday 6 November 2016


Theresa May calls austerity, living within your means. When did any government project ever come in on budget and on time? The UK has the largest government it has ever had, and Theresa May has the audacity to even mention living within your means.

This documentary looks into where the billions are being spent in the UK. Local councils that are hiring management consultants that are working to the same template and are getting rich on the proceeds.  Whatever next? One of the things that local people complain about; is the sheer numbers of reports that are prepared by outside consultants. That tells us that the people within those local councils, do not have the highly qualified people that are able to do the job, because they are constantly spending fortunes on external reports.

One of the consultants in this documentary mentions the 'Valley of Death' within the organisations. He also describes buyers in the public sector as being, 'inexperienced', 'inconsistent', and 'incompetent'. I met so many of those types of management consultants during my business life, no surprise then that they're all working to the same formula.

Amazing that some of them were in positions whereby they were supposed to be helping start-ups and existing businesses.  I wouldn't employ any of them, as the prophecy foretold, only one in a thousand would be able stand in integrity before Joseph.

The documentary mentions 'Risk and Rewards' contracts, the leader of the council refuses to respond to the journalists questions. Everyone involved in the contracts are being financially incentivised, the more cuts that they propose, the more money they get paid for helping austerity to be implemented. At the same time, those consultants are costing the councils a fortune.

The documentary mentions Serco, and also the American corporation, CAPITA, who has been given the medical and dental records of the British people. Birmingham council is spending over 10% of their budget on IT and when the councils are challenged on expenditure, they hide behind the term 'Commercial Confidentiality'. They refused to respond to the investigative journalist from the BBC.

My view is that all private companies that are contracted by local councils should be listed on local and regional council websites due to it being public expenditure.

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