
Tuesday 8 November 2016

MOSES, I am a Son of God

There was a bitter end wasn't there in the story of Moses, when the people decided to leave. Even now after all of these months people in the UK, still haven't got over the fact that the people voted for  BREXIT. The world thought that Obama would bring peace to the world, when in fact, he did the opposite. It was foretold what he would do to Pakistan, and he did it four days into his presidency, the LORD gave the exact timing of Chinese New Year. 

After that, they gave that Pharaoh, the nobel peace prize, regardless of the fact of what he had done. So much has happened, including the biblical plague of frogs in Greece. 

Now at the end of the presidency of the Leopard, that is written in book of Daniel, Rev 13, the 3rd and the 4th, Obama and Clinton, and what Clinton did to Libya is not only "Disgraceful", it is also a "War Crime", and Mrs Clinton and Obama should be tried for it in an international court of law. For how can their be justice in the world, if and when American presidents are allowed to be "Lawless"? Obama and Clinton are both trained lawyers, both were "Lawless". 

The prophecy of Zephaniah foretold that the Virgin would come with 60 just ones to stand against that panther, and so it was, it came to be, a force of goodness stood against the Liberal Democrats, USA. We know that both of the Clinton's also have health issues, it was even published in a Psychology Today magazine. The article was published in April 2008, and it also mentions the state of the nation of America. Surely, divine providence that it was published the same month that I was sent to America to warn America. However, American's did not like to hear the truth, and all of it that was meant to be delivered at that time.

You cannot have a woman like Clinton sitting in the white house of America drinking herself and others to death. With her finger on the nuclear button, too many people have died at the hands of America, to many people are suffering immensely due to what America has done with its global corporatism and corporate carnage. Over a decade ago, Jesus spoke of how the "Gross misconduct will be removed".

It is a sad day, when a nation wakes up to the conduct of it's nation and leaders, how it behaves and how the rest of the world views it. As Putin said, at the UN, 'Do you realise what you've done?"


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