
Monday 7 November 2016


The exceptional duo with Donald J Trump, in our hearts we knew that this day would come and it's lovely that Shirley Bassey sung "Someday", in the photographs in the video you will see Anthony Newley. Surely it is a "NEWLEY" time for America and Americans. A time of great duets and two stars were born together at the same time. 

Whatever happens in the presidential election, a new day has sprung forth with the light of love beyond measure. Truth can only stand in integrity, in the power of magnanimous love. 

The homeless woman that sat on Trump's star is now catered for, looked after by the Trump team, she is in safe hands now, indeed, she has been blessed for her bravery and willingness to speak the truth, an unfettered flame of God's love beyond measure. 

We applaud Donald J Trump, for honouring all those that have helped him to bring positive change to America. His heart reminds me of Anthony Newley, and how he encouraged Petula Clark to write more songs. 

Best wishes to America and Americans that stand against the "Clinton Disgrace" that was brought upon America with her "Crimes Against Humanity" and especially due to what she did to Libya and the people of Libya. People of integrity, will not forget what Clinton and Obama have done. There are duo's and duo's, some can stand in integrity, and some cannot. 

Originally, when I was given the Christ Vision of Peace, he spoke of the requirement for a new economic blueprint. I viewed it as an architectural blue print as he was speaking to yours truly. It is now that we can think of the fact that an architect creates those blueprints, and it is often the case that the builder is involved in the integrated design of it. Is Trump that builder, the developer of a new economic blueprint? 

The world cannot be run, the way that it has been run, change comes in a twinkling of an eye is true. Although as Archangel Michael spoke of it, the change has been growing for a long time, it didn't happen overnight. It has taken a long time for people to appreciate the importance of this timeline, only once people understand it, can they make the right choices for their children and the future of humanity. 

I wish America all the very best tomorrow, and hope with all my heart, that your someday has come for you. So many of you worked so hard to get the truth to the people, with all your hearts, and energy, may America receive the help that it requires at this phase of it's growth. With utmost attention, and pure intention, I am thinking of you. 

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