
Tuesday 1 November 2016

MEDIA go after BREITBART Chief Editor

BREITBART Chief Editor in London, has dropped out of the UKIP Leadership race. I have to say that I am not surprised, although I am surprised it happened so quickly.

Raheem Kassam has cited concerns over the 'integrity of the process'. 'the party's conduct and media intrusion into his family's lives'.  UKIP "ignoring misconduct even when complaints were made'. 

Times journalists; "show up at my elderly parents house at dusk, intimidating them".

Raheem plans to continue to be a member of UKIP, and remains with BREITBART as Chief Editor in London.

What happened to Raheem and his family, at the hands of Times newspapers, as certainly struck a nerve, with yours truly. Due to what happened to my own family in London. You can forgive, but it is hard to forget, that is why I posted the song "BORN FREE', it was a song that the Son of Joseph sang to his family, so that they would always remember it.

A person can become 'disheartened', and 'discouraged' due to the 'hostility' that impacts on people's homes and lives. That was the intention of Times newspapers owners, and it is a methodology that is implemented in Islam, a method that the Liberal Democrats in America have fully integrated into the way that they lead their lives.

Just look at what Clinton was capable of, a woman that made her wealth by taking the blood of prisoners, what integrity is there in that? None. I would rather be poor than do what Clinton and her followers were willing to do for her. At least we can say, my heart of integrity remains in tact.

Perhaps that's why some in the American LGBT movement, like Islam so much, they have much in common in the manner in which they conduct themselves. Clinton and her followers never did learn to behave themselves did they? Obama and his BLM movement, when ultimately, all lives matter, not just the lives of politicians.

However, I would say to Raheem, in this timeline, it is better to be outside of politics than inside of it, as many changes are happening, and he is still young with a bright future ahead of him. Journalists that are willing to give a different viewpoint, are of more importance than people realise.

I see a bright future for BREITBART, growing from strength to strength. Organic growth, stable growth, staying on point and focussed. BREITBART provides a new impetus, new inspiration, different views, a panoramic view of the bigger picture. It is about culture, Western culture, saving itself and all that is great about it and it's history.

In the meantime, MILO has been giving the BBC a slap to it's political view that has overcome the media in the UK, Milo wipes the floor with the BBC journalist. Enough is enough! He makes me smile when I hear him speaking as a native Londoner.

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