
Monday 31 October 2016


Trump being Trump, I don't agree with Pual Nuttall from UKIP about Trump, I think many leave voters in the UK, agree with Trump. Trump is soaring in America, as he shares with his people, what the people are really concerned about. Trump is certainly a big fish in America across the pond and he is soaring like the golden comet that I was shown. It's WOW time for TRUMP and Wikileaks has been a great springboard for him. 

"The 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks"

African-Americans are saying that they're not voting for a party, they're voting for THE MAN. Hope springs forth again in America, a man that has soared beyond party lines, Nigel Farage was correct to attend his rally to share about what happened in the UK with BREXIT. 

After the second presidential debate, and the third presidential debate, I did believe that there was still more of the best of Trump to come. Trump has continued to go from strength to strength, while the Obama-Clinton Titanic is in a "Political Crash". 

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