
Thursday 10 November 2016

John Lewis - Buster Boxer

You may remember the boxer that arrived in one of the seven dreams last week. After that there was the lovely disclosure about a film that has been made about a man that Donald J Trump helped when he turned up at his door. Truly, a heartfelt story that includes a man that became a professional boxer, the boxer gives credit to the man that taught him to box, and the man that taught him to be a champ.

Yesterday, I shared that years ago, I found a golden dog in an icon of Jesus, when I turned the icon on it's side. It looks like a golden retriever. No coincidence than that Mr Trump President Elect of America, was also born in the year of the dog. That dog that is man's best friend, and they do like to be at home. If you look directly under where I placed the number 1, you will see the dog with a black nose. So is Trump, the 45th President of America, the golden retriever that will retrieve his nation?

All that he has to remember is what Jesus taught about the soul, and do his utmost to live in integrity, with the purest intention, and utmost attention.


Today, there has been an ad for John Lewis in the UK, it also has a boxer in the advertisement.

Great quality TV commercials in the UK, great creativity, I was fortunate during my life and career to work with film in the creative industry. So sharing this ad with you. I like advertising, although I only share the advertising that I like, I like to be able to choose what advertising I will look at.  It has to be quality, and John Lewis is known for it's quality products.

In the UK, when we think of "Buster" we tend to think of Phil Collins and his film role as "Buster". 

The verse of the day today, was from Job. "God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, "Be a mighty downpour". Job 37:5-6. As he said, MAJEURE, it certainly was major.

There was a photo opportunity today, an American tradition of when the new president and his wife is photographed with those that are handing over the white house. The Obama's declined the photograph of both couples together. You can guarantee that with some there is no forgiveness.

I think if it had been Trump and Melania in the same situation, they would have been more graceful than the Obama's on leaving office today. There are many protests in America, some people don't like democracy and the outcome of the vote. We've had the same in the UK over BREXIT, all these months later people are still fighting against it.

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