
Thursday 10 November 2016

James O'Keefe "Power is with the People"

James O'Keefe from Project Veritas gives his message to the media and everyone associated with it. 

This truly is the era of the investigators, and the younger generation have learned so much about investigations in the last decade, investigations that the youngsters have been able to engage with and watch unfold. Investigation into public authorities and organisations is important, because it can be a springboard that can people in different careers. 

It's beyond research and stats that can be massaged. This is investigation that brings disclosure and the 14th of November is the 'Day of the INVESTIGATOR'.

The American, Gavin MacFadyen was a first class investigative journalist, a co-founder of Wikileaks. 

Andrew Breitbart, Jame's mentor was also an investigative journalist. Best wishes to the investigators, the time has come. My dad always used to say that the power is with the people when they're united. Integrity is essential for the survival of humanity.

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