
Wednesday 2 November 2016


As featured in a post earlier today, last night prior to going to bed, I was looking at a Trump video of him being blessed in an African-American Church, they were asking Jesus to bless Trump to be their president.

As I was listening, and watching, the heavenly father spoke, and he said, 'EXCEPTIONALISM'.

Then during the night I had a dream, I could remember it when I woke up, I then went back to sleep and had another dream. After I had written about the second dream. I took a look at "Exeptionalism' and I found that there is a such a term as American Exceptionalism.

I also found a quote from the New America Foundation, Sherle Schwenniger, a co-founder of it, remarked that TRUMP would redefine American Exceptionalism by bringing to an end the neoliberal/neoconservative globalist project, that Hillary Clinton and many Republicans support.

What Trump as achieved and accomplished during his life as certainly been exceptional.

Today this video was also recommended to yours truly. It is about a vision of Trump that a firefighter received in 2011.  It is lovely that it says that Trump will be protected by the feathers. So let us give Trump the feathers painting that was spread for America.

What else?

Sadhu says that he has seen Donald Trump standing with Abraham.

Is he correct? I don't agree with that Sadhu and what he said about Obama and the 2nd election, Obama was only given one term in biblical prophecy, we know what the Clinton machine is capable off, as Veritas took undercover film of what was happening during that election in 2012. Wisdom was certainly called to do the count. At the recent dinner in NYC with the clergy, Clinton was wearing rubies, and wisdom is more precious than rubies. 

What else is happening in America?

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