
Thursday 3 November 2016

Donald Trump in Bible Codes

In this video it mentions Isaiah 50. However, Donald Trump doesn't meet the criteria of that prophecy does he? The prophecy mentions a divorce and a mother sent away. However the last verse of it mentions the fires and do you remember the American 'Burning Man' festival? The Liberal Democrats were at that festival in the desert.

So let's see what Glazerson has to say, as he specialises in looking at the bible codes. In this video he says that he found Donald's name once. 

In this video it mentions the Jewish year of 5777 and Donald Trump. Now some people have cited Isaiah 45, and Isaiah 45 mentions INTEGRITY. 'By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity, a word that will not be revoked'. 

In recent days I was compelled to write, 'I'd rather be poor and live in integrity, than to be rich and have none'.  Although it is not the first time that I have been compelled to speak to Americans about the importance of living in integrity.

It was written in response to the disclosures about the Clinton's, and the festivals that America spend $8.4BN on every year.

While Americans spend huge sums of money on "excess", other people in their nation are suffering "Economic Cruelty". The rich got richer and the poor got poorer, and for that to happen, it means that there are people in America that were compliant with it. The silent majority were compliant with what was happening in their country, because silence is compliance.

A plate of food in America is three times the size of a plate of food in the UK, and they don't like being called out on their nation of "overindulgence". 

At least we can say, that finally, Donald Trump is speaking up much more than he has done in the past. He made the clergy sweat and the rich man boo, and nothing can stop him in sharing the truth now. 

The trumpets are mentioned in the book of numbers, chapter 10, and America does like it's BBQ's. 

The Psalms actually provide more information about the Trumpets. Psalm 47, Psalm 98, Psalm 150.

It is clear to yours truly, that the Trump family are for this specific timeline, to defend Western culture with the rest of the team that are willing to do so.


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