
Sunday 27 November 2016

Evening Standard MILO Profile

The Evening Standard weren't interested in doing an article on 1950's women that have had their pensions removed from them, although they've been happy to do a profile article on Milo. It was written by a man that shared an office with him in Clerkenwell. It helps if you know the journalists doesn't it, sometimes it's not what you know, but who you know.

It sounds like a pretty accurate description, and Milo does have the gift of the gab like Nigel Farage does. I do wish they would both take notice of what is happening to the women in our country. Women that have worked very hard during their lifetimes on this planet, at the end of the day, every man either has a mother, or did have a mother. So please pay attention to mums in the UK.

Instead of making working mums a priority, mums, that should've received their pension by now, our pensions have been paid to people that have been involved in 'Islamic terrorism'.

The "career politicians', the "upper class twits" that Nigel says all came out of the same school, made the decisions about our pensions, and the outcome is that women in our country are suffering beyond measure. Enough, really is enough of the "economic cruelty' that was introduced to our country from America. The work assessment system imposed upon our women was brought in from America, and an American corporation has even been given our medical and dental records.

That is not only contravention of the UN Privacy laws, it is "treason" against our people. It is also in breach of the UN right to food, and the right to housing. Don't get me started again on the "Bedroom Tax", that is also against the international law, as I have to have a carer to come and take care of me after the surgery in December. Where would the carer sleep if I didn't have a spare room for her?

They say they can't take me for a stay in hospital because they don't have enough beds for me. So they're sending me home with a carer, to make sure I'm OK. NHS not enough beds, if you don't provide beds in hospital, then you better make sure that people have spare bedrooms at home and people to look after those mums.

What else? The Bank of England, spent £100,000 on a summer party, while some of our 1950's women are going without food and heating this wintertime. 

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