
Sunday 27 November 2016

29th November 2016


A new moon in Sagittarius, 29th November, 2016. 29 is the numeric of "Grace Under Pressure", the 29th of November is the "Day of Instigator". Sagittarius is also the traveller, so it will impact upon the travellers, and the environment that the travellers impact upon. What do travellers require? Oil for planes, cars, buses etc. No coincidence then that I saw a plane yesterday while bathing.

Pam Gregory shares about the "Collective Past". Positive and upbeat, it's square with Neptune, bigger and better. Future vision and dream of who you can become. A big one for authenticity, and truth seekers, for the truther's. Expressing individuality.

Barbara mentions finances and accepting something that you wouldn't normally accept, paying more to make your life easier. However, what I would say is that the fire of Sagittarius as my ascendent sign is very principled and as such, those that live truly, in integrity, would rather suffer and stay in integrity than relinquish integrity to make our lives easier. Certainly, Jesus did not compromise on his integrity, and nor do I. 

However, spiritual people must have integrity in their hearts, especially where money is concerned. It is often the case that the corporations hope that you will surrender your integrity because you would like something. An example of that is when people are willing to get themselves into debt this time of year on their credit cards, to pay for what they would like for the holidays. What that does is increase the debt of the nation, when you increase your debt, when you increase your costs, you increase the overheads. 

If you have the money to spend like Barbara on making her life easier, than all fine and dandy. Although where is your integrity? However, don't smile about it Barbara, remember those that can't afford to make their lives easier, by surrendering to the corporations financial charges. 

Remember those that are at the homeless shelters, being given clothes and food. For that is what surrendering to the corporations means, people in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, not being provided for, due to the state of the nation's choices of it's career politicians. 

Another example of that is those that have stood against BREXIT, it begs the question, where are they coming from, as they are compromised on a financial level. They are the same people that support increased immigration, due to looking at it from their own perspective. 

Remember the woman that fronted the recent legal case against BREXIT? Another immigrant standing against our own indigenous people. Are we indignant about it? We certainly are, people of truth are indignant, courageous, tenacious, and fully committed to defend our historical cultures, and integrity, we will not compromise with the money men or women. We will not compromise with the EU, as we stand for financial freedom for our people. For the only law that is righteous is the law that gives my people financial freedom. 

As Prophet Isaiah foretold, only one in a thousand can stand before Joseph in integrity, the flame of Joseph. I have been shown that we will see some redistribution of wealth, in the name of Jesus there will be redistribution. I anticipate that monies will be removed from government programs that are not working out, and monies will be redirected to more worthy causes that are having a greater impact on the people at the grass roots. The true saints have suffered enough, truly it is time for the collections.

Just like the man in Hawaii, that removed his financial contribution to the University of Hawaii. For sure, we are going to see some changes in education and it's funding. We are going to see a re-focussing and instigation of major changes that will help more people to live and thrive.

Sagittarius is the least fiery sign out of the fire signs, so the crocus is actually a lovely flower for it, Saffron is also for helping people to see, it assists their vision.

Interesting that UKIP have the colours of the crocus, and that the Saffron has a connection with the Dutch Church. So now after the American election, it's all eyes on the leadership election with UKIP, from what I have seen of John Rees-Evans he is a man of integrity. So we will see, what happens, and if the UKIP membership choose a man that speaks from his heart to the people. He's an excellent communicator, even when he is under pressure. My heart tells me that Christians will support John, just like the Americans supported Donald JOHN Trump. JOHN the name of an Apostle of Jesus.

True Christians will support that which defends their existence to continue to exist, they have no choice but to support the reality that brings freedom to the people. I think you will see huge swathes of people supporting UKIP, it is far from over, it is just the beginning in a different reality.

At the same time, Nigel Farage is making his presence felt in America and on the international scene. Onwards and upwards for Nigel and that which he started, a reformation of politics and an end to "career politicians".

Pamela spoke of wisdom, indeed Pamela, the wisdom that is only gained with business experience. Someone asked what cost is wisdom? I responded prosperity, so remember the parable of the Virgins, some have wisdom and some do not. Priority has to be given to those that can raise people up, and improve the standards and quality of life of the people.

People cannot gain wisdom at universities, or from education with academics that have never worked in the real world, nor can they gain wisdom from "career politicians" for the same reason. Ever run your own business? Did you start from scratch with your own money, did you make a success of it?

Think very carefully about what you would like to do in 2017, as it is a year of judgement, with a new President, especially for the corporations. Donald and Nigel comprehend the highs and lows of business activity, together their business experience is awesome. Donald knows that he didn't start from scratch with no money, he began with a gift of a million dollars from his dad. He was gifted, and as Jesus foretold, the worthy are gifted by those that are worthy to give.

Do you think that Donald's dad would've have given him a million dollars if he had not thought he was worthy of it to start his own business? The biblical law to do with finances is that you must give, for it is the law of giving, the law of charity that Jesus supported. Jesus wouldn't support what the co-founder of Facebook did, by giving $35M to Hilary Clinton to pursue her "political nuclear wars".

So ask yourselves is Facebook in integrity, or was that Facebook co-founder bias against integrity?

In life experience the tree of life is found, make sure that the tree of life grows in integrity, because the tree only blossoms in integrity, just as my career and young life blossomed in business.

Just as my life blossomed in business in integrity, so did my spiritual life blossom in integrity, business and spirituality can unite in integrity, it has been proven that it can work together to help the unemployed, and Jesus said that wisdom would be proven correct. Only in integrity can life prosper, and love blossom in all that you do. I look forward to seeing the crocus everywhere in this new timeline.

The crocus is from the IRIS family, and Nostradamus gave a prophecy about the IRIS that he used for healing depression. Interesting that he foretold that the Iris would not be seen for 40 years, and after that it could be seen everyday. With magnanimous love beyond measure in integrity, his prophecy came to be.

In Hebrew KARKOM, in Arabic, KURKUM, and it means SAFFRON. No coincidence then that in  Hebrew it includes KOM, and in Arabic, KUM, both are different translations for KIM, in Hebrew it means ARISE, 'Raised Up", like the crocus springing forth amongst the grass.  Scripture foretold that the LORD would plant my name everywhere since ancient times, indeed he did, in different languages in different realities across the planet. Big smiles.

Real flower power hey ! The leaves and petals for healing the nations. An enigma.

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