
Tuesday 15 November 2016


In this video investigative journalist Faith Goldy gives her report at what she found at the UN Conference in Delhi. The UN "Bullies" confirm the conspiracy is fact. The journalist shares that there is no transparency or accountability from the people that attend these conferences. Faith challenged what was going on behind closed doors paid for by you.

In the same way that Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen and other MEP's, also challenged what was going on behind closed doors at the EU. In the EU now, MEP's are discussing how we can protect the whistleblowers and people like Julian Assange legally.

People with legitimate concerns about what is going on. Governments demand transparency from the people, yet, they're not willing to provide it themselves, and the people have had enough of the intrusion into their lives and privacy. It is not a one-way street where the lives of the people are concerned. If the people have to be accountable, so does every government, organisation and corporation.

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