
Tuesday 18 October 2016

Vivienne Westwood -v- FRACKING

Fashion Designer and author Vivienne Westwood stands against FRACKING and in so doing against Clinton who supports fracking, as disclosed in the email disclosures. 

America on Fire 

Vivienne has also spoken out against Clinton. 

In 2014, she was going to introduce Pamela Anderson to Julian Assange. 

And just before Assange's internet service was cut off, he had a visit from Pamela with vegan food and a copy of Westwood's latest book. Straight after that there was news of Russia Today broadcasting in London, bank accounts of the broadcaster closed by Nat West Bank. 

The Ecuadorian embassy say that Julian is alive and they will continue to defend him in the embassy. Wikileaks issued tweets announcing that contingency plans had been activated. 

Vivienne Westwood is known internationally within the world of fashion, I remember her from the days of the Kings Road, she was a fiery little woman then, and still is. Go for it Vivienne.

Then today, ex-model Melania Trump was doing a major interview on American television, at the same time as huge disclosures about the Clinton campaign has gone viral in social media. There has been an undercover operation to expose what the Clinton campaign have been doing. 

If you enjoy reading this blog, please consider being a sponsor, just to keep me going financially, and on the internet. As I have to go into hospital for surgery, and my MRI scan is now booked for January, 2017. At the same time our pensions have been removed, and Vivienne spoke about the austerity upon our people. I am a 1950's woman, the WASPI's in the UK.

Last night the hospital weighed me, and I weigh 57 kilo's, 8 stone, 9.  So I have managed to keep on an extra two kilo's, as I am building my body up so that it is; has prepared as it can be for the forthcoming surgery.

Clinton isn't only into fracking, she's also into 'Economic Cruelty', and it requires you to help put an end to it. Julian Assange doesn't suffer from 'Economic Cruelty' due to the financial support that he receives. However, he does suffer from what his doctors have called 'Health Insecurity'. I'm sure that Vivienne is doing all that she can to help Julian gain his freedom.

This was a brilliant speech from JFK.

What brings great sadness is when there is 'Economic Cruelty', and 'Health Insecurity' at the same time as a person is suffering physically. although it's clear that Julian as some SAD due to a lack of sunlight on his body.

First they go after the saints psychologically, and after that they go after them economically.

Fortunately, Assange knows that he is loved, that he is disclosing the truth, exactly as the bible prophecy foretold. He also managed to resolve the financial situation, when the Americans tried to stop him. Clinton and her 'Economic Cruelty', Clinton and her 'sanctions'.

When Putin was asked about the sanctions against him, and whether he was going to counter-sanction, he said 'No Way, and that he will counter it, with counter-measures.

Then we have Theresa and Boris skipping to the tune of Clinton, and the British media telling our people that the 'Russians are Coming', just because their ships have to pass through our waters to go to help Assad and the Syrian people. Seriously, the British journalists, should look within and ask themselves why are they supporting Clinton? Nigel Farage has stood against Clinton, Trump has stood against Clinton, where do you stand?

Do you stand for 'Economic Cruelty', like Clinton has done? Or do you agree with Vivienne Westwood?

It looks like the property market is going to do a switch as taxes begin to soar upon householders and people with multiple homes.

The latest environmental news from Norway:

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Two environmental groups sued the Norwegian government on Tuesday for allegedly violating the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Norwegian constitution by allowing oil drilling in the Barents Sea.
The lawsuit filed by Nature and Youth and Greenpeace Nordic against Norway's Ministry of Petroleum and Energy asks the Oslo district court to invalidate the latest round of production licenses in the Barents Sea, which is on the edge of the Arctic Ocean.
The groups argue that allowing companies to drill for oil in the Arctic violates the Paris Agreement and an article about environmental protection in Norway's constitution.
"Signing an international climate agreement while throwing open the door to Arctic oil drilling is a dangerous act of hypocrisy," Greenpeace spokesman Truls Gulowsen said.

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