
Monday 17 October 2016

300th Anniversary Russian Church


While everyone is buzzing about the American presidential campaign, the Patriarch Kirill attended a ceremony at London's Russian Orthodox Church to honour its 300th anniversary. That's some diversity for you.

Apparently, it is the first time such a visit has happened and some British politicians are not happy about it. While British politicians complain about it, John Kerry, USA is mentioned in the news to have a meeting with Boris Johnson. Relations are becoming strained over Russia, so interesting that everyone is coming to London for talks.

This painting was for a Russian child that spent the day with Putin at the Kremlin.


Photo of the original artwork

UPDATE 12:22 

The UK has closed down the bank accounts in London for Russia Today broadcasting. And that surely is in contravention of the declaration of Human Rights Law article 19, the universal human rights of freedom of speech. More information from the Express link.

There has also been news that Julian Assange's internet as been cut off. Apparently, Clinton has been asking if she can drop a drone on Assange. More updates soon, keep calm everyone. Nothing can stop the avalanche of emails about Clinton, who does she think she is?

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