
Thursday 27 October 2016

VERITAS -v- "NYC DNC Disorder"

What else has been happening? George Clooney told people in Monaco that Trump would never be president and that Clinton will be. Has he been reading the PODESTA email disclosures too?

Interesting that Nostradamus gave a prophecy about what would happen to Monaco.

Clooney doesn't even live in America, he lives in the UK with is wife who is a human rights lawyer.

Makes you wonder how Amal feels about the Podesta emails, can she stand in integrity against her husband and what he supports with Clinton? Clinton supports war, just look at what she did to Libya with Obama, so why do some spiritual people that stand against war, stand with Clinton?

Perhaps those yoga pants should receive a reality check. When I received the dream of Americans coming to England for healing together, in the dream I had chosen larger pants than yoga pants. Did you get that Russell Brand?

Did you know that Clinton is a Scorpio, and Scorpions sting? There is even a Podesta email on the arrangement of the victory dinner in NYC, with Sting, that email was sent in 2014, when I had a dream of a Scorpion. I flicked it off my finger, back to the sand and desert from whence it came.

Plenty of disclosures aren't there just as Jesus promised that there would be. Let's have a song from our David, he warned them all in his songs.

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