
Thursday 27 October 2016

God -v- Opinions

When I woke up today I received a message and he said to yours truly, 'You and Me, they view us through their opinions'.

So my advice to people, if you have opinions then best you think about what your opinions are based upon, and where they came from. Interesting that this video is titled, 'Disclosure', 'You and Me Feat', Eliza.

So what happened today, when I got up and opened the post, there was an appointment for surgery at the hospital in December, 2016. So now I have to decide whether to postpone it until after the MRI scan in January, it's taken two years to get this far. My view is that we should have an MRI scan done prior to the surgery, because we know scientifically, that surgery impacts upon neurones and that impacts on everything else. So even for medical research reasons, we should have an MRI scan prior to surgery, and after surgery.

We also know scientifically, that physical stress and trauma to the body impacts on DNA, as does sound.

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