
Tuesday 25 October 2016

Preferred Pronouns USA

Milo in his sequins, there's something about the 30's, I liked wearing sequins when I was his age. Milo presenting his view of the latest debate in America about pronouns. Some might think, it's just a word, or a name, no, in New York, Milo shares with us what has been made law. That means there are financial implications for business owners in New York. Listen to what he has to say to hear more.

Seriously, you'd think they would have more to be concerned about in America, than yoga pants, when there are so many people on food stamps and unemployed. So many people that are suffering due to the 'Economic Cruelty' that has increased in America since Obama and Clinton took office.

In 2010, an ex-senior university lecturer, scholar and veteran, was found, he had been dead for three weeks due to his services being cut off and he had no food. Americans refused to help him when asked to do so. The American police also refused to investigate when I phoned them. The legal terminology, is 'Corporate Manslaughter', and 'Criminal Negligence', due to what happened to him.

I helped Michael all that I could, while I could do so, Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel.

Now I am in the same financial situation again, remember what the LORD said, MALAKHI. 

After eight years of the Liberal Democrats and what has changed America? Oprah is still supporting the Liberal Democrats.

We call them leg-ins in the UK. Diamond and Silk have got a message for Oprah.

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