
Monday 24 October 2016


In February, 2012, I had a dream of a film maker and there were some very important messages delivered. 'I will have a prodigy every year', 'They are frightened'. On the 4th of March, 2012, I corrected what I had written on a different post. 'I will have a protege every year' and in that second blog post I mentioned Andrew Breibart who had also been involved in film and investigative journalism.

In the dream I had been working on the film makers house restoring it, and while I was with him, he wrote a woman's name on the floor and spoke of the relationship of another couple not working out and everyone was aghast when he spoke of it. The film director, the movie maker had powerful intuition and was incredibly creative. He just knew what was right in his heart.

This year in 2016, we've seen the end of Brad and Angelina's relationship, we've also seen the news of the passing over of film maker, director and producer, Gavin Macfadyen. Gavin didn't only create over 50 film documentaries for television, he also appeared in a feature film released in 1981.

For some reason, so far the British media have remained silent on his passing and his great historical and eminent body of work that includes charity, leadership, education, and protection of whistleblowers.

In the dream in February 2012, the property that I was refurbishing was definitely English, it was an English house, a home in England. I can still visualise the inside of the house, what I saw in that dream as it was so vivid when I was speaking to the man. The period house had a small galley kitchen that opened out onto a larger dining room.

On the floor it was cryptic and Wikileaks often give cryptic messages. Gavin Macfadyen was also the Director of Wikileaks and when I was listening to him speak on video, suddenly, the power of love showered upon yours truly, it was hot, very hot.  I was being given a yes, he's blessed, Jesus was letting me know that he had blessed him.

I don't think that it was Gavin that I saw in the dream in 2012, because the man was younger than Gavin, so it will be interesting to watch the unfolding. I was at a TV production meeting in the dream, so it must have a connection with the mid to late 70's, my generation, my age group, when I was working in television in London, near Fleet Street and in Soho.

There was also tiling involved in the refurbishment in the dream, and the last time that I did some tiling was in the mid 80's.

Gavin knew that people were frightened, and I now know that he spoke of it in one of his interviews.

As Jesus said, 'Do not be afraid' he foretold that the disclosures would come and that the truth will set you free.

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