
Friday 9 September 2016


The latest from the WASPI campaign, WASPI women against "Inequality". The campaign and activists in London. 1950's women deserve their human rights to food, and to have that food, the ability to have a home and afford to live, they have to be given their pensions.

This is a human rights issue due to the human right to food and a home. These women should not have to volunteer and pay the expenses to do so. They should not have to go out to work, or enter the job market, if they are in any physical pain at all. These women should not be forced against their will to submit to "injustice". These women have been the life blood of a nation, women that birthed the nations children. Women that started work at the age of 15, some even younger.

This campaign doesn't just impact on one generation of women, because now, they're telling 40 year olds that they won't get their pension until they are 70. The Conservatives hope the people won't live long enough to get their pensions. My dad didn't get his pension, he didn't live long enough to get everything that he had paid in throughout his life.

Of course, the men that made those decisions about your pensions, are the same Conservatives that wrote off the debts of Vodafone and it's tax bill.


The same Conservatives that gave themselves a pay rise, while putting austerity measures upon the poorest of the nation. The same Conservatives that are implementing another 22BN of cuts to the NHS, when there is a population explosion in the country. The same NHS that people cannot access for neurological services. Over 58% of people in the UK, cannot access neurological services at all.

With no income, how do the Conservatives think these women will pay for their dental treatment, new glasses, and the vital nutrients that they require? How do the Conservatives think these women can afford to get to hospitals miles away, when they cannot even afford to run a car, or pay for a bus or train? How do the Conservatives think these women can afford to pay for water, electricity, and gas? How do they think these women can cope at their age, when they are under so much financial pressure? How many more people have to become homeless, how many more suicides?

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