
Friday 9 September 2016

American IRS

Trey Gowdy on it with the IRS and what has been happening to innocent Americans. It highlights what has been happening during the Obama-Clinton administration. Its an incredibly powerful speech, and one that should be shared with everyone in the nations.

At the end of his speech he mentions how these authorities are planning to have access to your medical records.

In fact, in the UK, the Cameron-May administration has already given a contract to an American corporation to hold the medical records of our nation. Trey mentions how some people don't share their medical records even with people that they do trust, let alone with those that they don't.

If Trump is elected, and Trey Gowdy accepts the position of Attorney General. This man would be involved in international law, and one thing that is for certain, America and other nations do require men and women of his calibre.

For he is a man that could resurrect the UN Privacy laws, and at the same time call out the UN on any wars that it might try to support in the future. Let us say, no more war to the nations, on this, the anniversary of the everlasting covenant of peace for the children.

Jesus said this of America, 'They've failed', Afterwards, Putin said the same about America. However, while men of justice like Trey Gowdy exist, there is a light of hope that everything can be made anew. A nation can only go so far down prior to being destroyed completely,  the other option is for a nation to arise, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Let us continue to keep the light of hope burning brightly, let us hope that it is not too late for America, and that people will begin to see the difference between who is righteous and who is not.

Trey Gowdy is certainly a man that could defend the rights of the native Americans, he is also a man that could defend the human rights of all of his people that he loves.

When I listened to his speech, he nearly brought tears to my eyes. So many different prophecies spoke of this time coming. May it be so LORD.

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