
Sunday 4 September 2016


This morning when I woke up I was given the name, 'Donald Trump', so what has Donald been up to? Trump has been in Detroit with Ben Carson and friends. In recent days, prior to this event,  I had envisioned Trump in a different colour car to the one that Obama is seen in.

In this video you will see him in a light coloured car. Ben Carson as certainly given some great speeches, and so as Donald Trump. Love to unite the country, the first visit to an African-American church.

The 3rd of September was the 'Day of Breaking the Mould'.

After I posted this, turquoise energy arrived on my left, it was quite light in colour like Aquamarine energy. My mother wore Aquamarine, a ring of it, and she also embraced our black communities in England with the Son of Joseph. So I can see why this is so important to humanity. 

In fact I think it was Aquamarine.

After this was posted I was given the word 'Centaur' and I can see why that Greek mythology and its legend would be important to Trump, as his brother passed over due to drink, and he never forgot the impact of it, and its ability to take a life. Another reason why he brought up his children, with three rules, no drinking, no drugs, and no smoking. The Centaur is usually associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Story.

The wounded healer that would like to heal his nation and the world.

Did you have someone in your life whereby you gained due to what they did to themselves and their own health? For that is the karmic story, how the gnosis is passed on to help another with their journey in life.  The brother of Donald Trump and the impact that he had, was a crucial turning point in Trumps life.

Did you have a member of your family like that or what about your friends? Did you watch any of your friends or family drinking themselves to death? As I have written many times this is the sober decade, and Donald Trump is certainly a sober man, for an American country that requires it. 

Just because a person drinks, the karmic journey does not mean that they have to die, nor does it mean that they have to die from smoking or drugs. Remember the story of the widow's son that was saved. Also remember that people have died and they didn't smoke at all.

There are many reasons for what creates "cancer" and I found that it does have past life connections and it does have connections with "forgiveness". Just look at the amount of people that were able to stop taking drugs too. Not only recreational drugs, but also pharmaceuticals. 

I think Donald Trump, and his family, would be very positive for the health of America, and I think he would lead by example, as he has already done as a dad and as a businessman.

Has he been wounded? Yes, in different areas of life, including in his relationships. Although he has grown through it over the years, he is a man with huge life experience, and three marriages too, a man that has a lot to offer his nation. He is looking presidential, a man that loves his country and his people, a man that deserves a chance to put things right again with the people.

The latest from Milo Yiannopoulos, a British journalist and his view of it.


For the Pisces Lunar Eclipse

16th September, 2016

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