
Sunday 4 September 2016

Keith Vaz Resigned

More LGBT since that dream in early August. I did issue an alert after that dream, was anyone listening?

After that there was the "Transgender" in Turkey, then the famous "Gay Astrologer" in Mexico. Isaiah 47.

LGBT Dream




Now we've got an immigrant that became a politician that has been caught out by male escorts. That's the end of his political career, and high position in the Labour Party, isn't it? The career politicians and the way some of them lead their lives. He's another Blairite.

Keith Vaz, a married man, with children. People have to learn that they can't have it all, and they can't have it all ways. Keith Vaz was chairman of the influential Commons Home Affairs committee, he has now resigned. British people may ask why exactly are we allowing immigrants to be in such positions of power? He wasn't even born in the UK, yet, has been involved in important decisions that impact upon our country. Do the political parties in this country and its membership have any common sense at all? Do they have any national interest at all?

The profile says that Vaz is from Goa originally, and in 1989, he also stood against Salman Rushdie and the book that he had written. In that video it's clear that he had a run in with Boris Johnson too, and Boris has a career background in the media as a journalist.

Apparently, he told the male escorts to bring the 'Poppers' to get the party going. That reminds me of the dream of Amal, the Human Rights lawyer, when the poppers were going off like fireworks all around her. Fireworks popping like popcorn. Since then Julian Assange's lawyer, the QC was found under a train, and that human rights lawyer worked with Amal, he wrote that something happened to him while he was being educated in America. While his parents were working in that country.

Then there has been news about the 'spy' that was found locked in the bag five years ago. M16 claim that he had hacked into Bill Clinton's account. More links with America!

In 2012, there was a police investigation into his finances and his wife runs a law firm that gets visas for Asian immigrants. There has been case after case against Keith Vaz, it makes you wonder who was keeping him in any political post.

Apparently, 'Poppers' have been mentioned on at least '20 death certificates' since 1993.

Keith Vaz stood against the banning of the drug known as 'Poppers'.

Who else stands against the banning of the drug?

A Gay Conservative MP, Crispin Blunt.

1 comment:

  1. Labour MP's are now calling for his resignation as an MP. He should've been deported when he supported the Fatwa and the led the march against the freedom of speech of Salman Rushdie.
