
Sunday 11 September 2016


'Facial muscles are a group of striated skeletal muscles innervated by the facial nerve, the cranial nerve VII and is what controls facial expression. These muscles are also called mimetic muscles.'

I began to notice an indentation like a circle on the right side of my face around 2010-2011 timeline. Although my medical records might mention the fact that I mentioned it to my GP earlier than that.

I spoke to my ex-GP about it at the time and she said it was normal for my age. I then responded to that so-called health professional, if it was normal than other people of my age would have the same indentation in their face. I suggested that she go and look at the people sitting in reception, and report back on how normal it is.

When friends looked at my face, they thought that I was looking thin, withdrawn and undernourished and I can see that one of the reasons for that was due to the indentation on the right side of my face.

My current GP shared that I have shed weight in that timeline, I have also shrunk two inches in height.

However, my reason for this blog post, is that there has still been no investigation on what has happened to that muscle in my face and what is happening with the cranial nerve and gland.

In 2014, I was referred for an emergency investigation and treatment in London by my dental surgeon.

After a year, in 2015, my dental surgeon said that we couldn't wait any longer for London to give us an appointment, so he then referred me to the local hospital.

In 2016, I have seen two different surgeons, the first surgeon said that my oral condition was normal. I told her that it wasn't, and that it is a known symptom of Sjogren's

I then asked for that surgeon to be replaced as she wasn't willing to investigate the causes. Her attitude was far too casual in such serious circumstances, for my liking. Also the surname of that dental surgeon had already been removed from my book of life.

On the 1st of September I saw the replacement surgeon, he took no notice of my facial muscles, dental surgeons only seem to have training in teeth and gums. Although he did take a swab for investigation after I pushed him to do so, by telling him that my GP would like to know what the cause is.

Today my right jawline hurts to touch it, and even when I don't touch it. It also hurts to smile or move any muscles on the right side of my face.

I have also noticed that there is an large indentation in the right side of my mouth in the top right gum, and I began to feel that during 2015.

What else is important to the facial muscles and cranial nerve VII? 'Clinical relevance: An inability to form a facial expression on one side of the face, is a sign of damage to the nerve.'

The last time I went to the hospital to be examined, another mouth x-ray was given, and swab taken, that was on the 1st of September.

The facial nerve can be damaged permanently due to surgery, or temporarily due to trauma. It is also impacted upon by the 'Parotid Salivary Gland', because the facial nerve travels through this gland. It does impact upon a person's ability to eat, and can even impact upon a person's ability to speak, due to the impact upon the muscles in the face.

So why am I sharing this with you? It is very important that you don't give up, that you pay attention to your body, what you can see happening to it, due to what others have done to it. Just because a doctor or surgeon says a health condition is normal, doesn't make it so. The fact is, they don't know everything about your body, and what has impacted upon it.

As we know dental injections 'numb' the face, in so doing, it can also damage the cranial nerve, facial muscles and parotid gland. Yet, how can we get full attention for it? The question is, which dentist caused the damage? I don't think it was my current dentist, because I think that I already had the facial muscle indentation beginning, prior to moving to his surgery.

As prophecy foretold, "I will be quick to testify". Malachi 3:5


'A careful listener will testify successfully'. Proverbs 21:28

In this video, Why doesn't the doctor ask the mother and child about the last time that she had any dental treatment? Or whether the child has had any dental health issues?

When I saw the dental surgeons at the hospital they didn't ask if I had any sore throat, or whether I had previously experienced any eye or ear, taste, saliva  or oral infection health issues. These questions are important to diagnosis and the identification of the causes.

I have been referred to a neurologist in recent months by my GP, due to the surgeons and consultants not coming up with a diagnosis. Since 2009, I've seen two back consultants, oral surgeons, osteopath, chiropractor, reflexologists and rheumatologist. Next is the neurologist.

The hospital back consultants didn't even examine me properly, although I have received x-rays.

A&E and the paramedics gave a diagnosis, A&E said that I had arthritis when my legs blew up, the Rheumatologist didn't agree with A&E, although he did agree with the paramedics about the Lymphodema. I've also had blood vessels exploding in my body since at least 2013. Including in my face.

The rheumatologist seen in 2016, purposefully caused extensive pain to my body, then had the audacity to write to my GP, that I had normal movement.  He x-rayed my left foot, but not my left hand.

I know for a fact that I have strong bones, I had that examined and paid for it myself in the mid 90's.

I know that I have an arthritic bone in my left hand, as you can see the difference between the bone in the left hand that is different to the bone in the right hand. The large bone on the left hand is clearly enlarged, and that was due to two cuts in that hand. A dog bite, and a nail that pierced it, two different piercings, the scars still exist from decades ago.

The condition in my left hand is obviously post-trauma arthritis. I also have a scar in the arch of my left foot due to stepping on 'broken glass' in a river when I was a child. Three piercings. I did have my ears pierced when I was a teenager, although as I grew older I allowed those piercings to heal up.

The medics also removed my tonsils in teenage years, as it was fashionable to do that to the children that were born in the 1950's. Although I think they should've left those tonsils in.

I've made numerous complaints about the hospital services being provided. Although emergency treatment for the whole situation is still not happening. Due to the individual departments that don't work together to resolve the situation, not even in an emergency. Bear in mind, that this has been an emergency since 2014. So I have been in an emergency situation for over two years, and the suffering as been immense.

Our local hospital can't even provide the urgent neurological service and MRI scan that is required by my GP. Although, I've been asking for an MRI scan since at least 2010-2011. Over 58% of patients in the UK can't access neurological services. They're now planning another 22BN of cuts to the NHS in the next five years across the country. At a time when we have a population explosion in the country.

The NHS and its patients are in crisis.

The osteopath said that my case requires a multi-disciplinary team, and the CEO of the hospital wrote about that years ago, and wrote that it was a very complex situation. We have that letter on file and I gave a copy of it to my GP.

The other risk factors that increase with age.

So what did I do today? I had a relaxing bath this afternoon, I cleaned my teeth again, this time with coconut oil very gently, as it hurts to clean my teeth, even with a very soft toothbrush.

While in the bath, I put on coconut oil, massaged gently in my neck and face. I also dabbed on some aromatherapy oil that is for post-operative procedure, and gave myself Reiki healing.

After getting out of the bath, I asked the LORD to please take the pain away. As I would like to make some celery and carrot soup to drink. As I have had nothing to eat today, due to the pain of it, and celery is excellent for the glands. Especially, the adrenal glands.

"To keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory, with exceeding joy'. Jude 1:24

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