
Monday 12 September 2016

Jewish Matchmaker Dream

I had a dream this morning, a man that I once knew invited me to go out for dinner. He was asking me to meet with him and another man. The man that was doing the inviting smiled, and said, 'He's rich'. He knew that wouldn't impress me, he knows me better than that.

I did go out for dinner with them both. The man that invited me sat opposite where the setting had been laid for me to sit. I went to sit at the side of the man that had invited me, then I noticed the place setting, so sat down opposite the invitee. The man that I was being introduced to was then on my left. The man was short in height and he had facial hair.

After I sat down, the dream then changed, and I was in a field near a house, and the man was introducing me to his daughter and a dog. I really liked the dog. So we clearly met twice, although I wasn't interested in him in the dream, I wasn't attracted to his energy, although he was clearly interested in me. So I gave him the opportunity to meet a couple of times.

Story of my life, it was often the case that I didn't find rich men very interesting. Some were fine while they were socialising, then afterwards, one-to-one, they didn't have anything interesting to say. Not anything that I was interested in anyway. I can share that grammar school boys, are not always as interesting as people might think.

As we know, some communities do get involved in match making and Indians, and Jewish people were known for it. Once upon a time, I even co-founded a singles club for professionals and that was a springboard for others.

This forthcoming lunar eclipse is in Pisces on the 16th September, the two fishes swimming in harmony together.

In dream interpretation to dream of "rich", is a dream of contrary. it portends a protracted period of patience before your circumstances will improve. To dream of being invited out for dinner can also indicate "difficulties", and that someone is having difficulties.

Was the rich man having difficulty finding a suitable partner? That is usually the case if a person tries to match make you with a person, although the dinner was more like a business dinner, than going out on a date. The man in the dream clearly required support from his friend that had given the invitation. Maybe he was just shy, these were two businessmen that had known each other for a long time.

Steve Jobs and the message that he gave to business people and the rest of humanity.

The dog in the dream was also significant, as I really liked being with the dog. The dog is a symbol of unconditional love, faithfulness, and the power of the healer to heal, the power of love, if and when a dog is joyous. In dream interpretation the dog is a symbol of a friend. Hence the saying, 'Man's best friend'. So what's the moral of the story? It is better to be in a friendship with an animal that you find interesting, than be with a man that you are not interested in. Also better to be with a dog that can heal you, than with a man that can't, as the Beatles sang, 'Money can't buy me love'.

So what's important about today? It is the 'Day of Fearless Crusader' in numerics, and I have an appointment today to attain what I am owed.

After I shared the information of the dream, the heavenly Father said, Magi, although he pronounced it differently to the way that English people pronounce it, it sounded like MAYGI.

In the Syriac churches there are 12 Magi and they were later referred to as kings. Yes, I went to the Kings Head today. After I arrived there I saw the big sign on the gate. 'Keep these gates closed'.

There is also a legend that Helena found the bodies of the Magi, and placed their bodies in the Church of Saint Sophia.


  1. 2 Corinthians 8:11 Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.

  2. Israel making progress with their new young female justice minister.

    Best wishes to Israel and to Ayelet Shaked.
