
Tuesday 6 September 2016


I had a dream this morning, I was high up in a concrete building, it was like being on a verandah or like being in a car park looking out of the large window shapes.

Then I saw a huge amount of water and with it a huge fish, the fish was the size of a whale and it looked like a whale. It came right up to the building on my left, then it was on my right, and I saw my mother on my right, the large fish was kissing my mother like a dolphin kisses a person. My mother and I were overjoyed at seeing the large fish.

In dream interpretation to dream of a dolphin can indicate advancement, they are amusing and intelligent mammals. Advancement through your own mental vigor, although in such dreams, the condition of the water is also important. This was sea water due to it being a sea fish, a salt water fish, so I must have been close to a coastline.

To dream of a sea creature as big as a whale, can indicate protective influences around you. In real life the only time I remember being high up in a car park like that with my mother was in Maidstone, in Kent.

What's happening in Kent? Nigel Farage is talking about Brexit and returning to UKIP if Theresa May doesn't do what the people voted for in the referendum.

You could say that Nigel Farage is a big fish, and he also likes sea fishing. The latest news from the UKIP website and their articles about what is really important.

That's a Piscean dream with a Piscean and an Aquarian woman in it, mother, daughter and the large fish. There is also a lunar eclipse coming on the 16th September, and it is in Pisces. My Venus is in Pisces so it will be interesting to see what transpires. In the dream, I was very happy to see the big fish that arrived suddenly, and it arrived on the crest of a huge wave of water. Water as always been associated with the divine feminine, how deep is your love? Is it as deep as the ocean? Genesis 49 also mentions the blessings upon the family of Joseph, the blessings of the breast and womb.


The 6th of September is the 'Day of Fate'. 

Five years ago in Thanet, a beached Whale. Pegwell Bay.

Ten months ago, another whale washed up in Thanet.

The large fish and the sign of Jonah. The large fish is also seen in the Sistine Chapel, at the top of the last judgement fresco. The fish sits at the side of the prophet that is at the top of it, and everything else is underneath it getting smashed. 

This is some Dolphins in Scotland.


International Dolphin Watch was launched by Dr Horace Dobbs in 1979, and I was blessed to meet him at the exhibitions in the 90's. We were lecturing in the same locations, at the same time, in the same venues. Dr Horace Dobbs is written in my book of life. He was a really lovely man, that cared passionately about children and the ability of dolphins to help to heal the children. 

Dr Dobbs said that swimming with dolphins was like swimming with angels, and swimming with a whale was like swimming with God.



Dr Horace Dobbs was born in Lambeth in London, although like many Londoners his school holidays were often spent in Kent. He is registered with a speakers agency, and he lives in Yorkshire.


In spiritual symbology the big fish can also be found, the Christians took on the fish as their symbol. Although in ancient times, the fish were associated with the TAO, and in Israel they found an ancient mossiac with two fish swimming head to tail in harmony. One male fish, and one female fish together. 

The dolphin is also a sign of the resurrection in Christian spiritual symbology, although spiritual people usually associate it with unconditional love. In Greece it is a symbol of souls being guided to the Isles of the blessed and it has both lunar and solar associations and implications. It denotes the feminine priciples, and the womb. The woman of the sea. 

The whale is also found in spiritual symbology and the power of the cosmic waters, indicating regeneration, both cosmic and individually. It can indicate new life is coming, an initiation of cosmic energies. The power of God and divine intervention, where life of the living, and the afterlife unite together, as in the mother and daughter united in greeting the fish in happiness.

I can see the impact of the two different generations of Mother and Daughter in the dream. Lily enjoyed coming to the spiritual exhibitions to visit me whilst I was working at them. After she passed over she had all the spiritual things that she had embraced. Including the crystals, cards, flower essences, oils and books on healing foods. Happy memories, of the best times that we shared together. She certainly was blessed throughout her life. Our last holiday together, was when I took her to the Canaries, hoping for her to meet with the dolphins in the Isles. Love you mum and the good times that we shared, you have been kissed.

The strong minds of mother and daughter, both strong minded people. You have to be strong minded to do spiritual work; as Spirit can only work with strong minded people. You also have to be strong enough, and have the confidence to share what must be shared to help others. You cannot hold back when the future of humanity is on the line.

My mother must have known that I was strong minded enough; when she introduced me to Christian spiritual people as a child. She chose it for her first born and for the feminine. She knew that the Aquarian would comprehend and appreciate that she had been blessed. Just like the big fish kissing her in the dream. To be kissed in such a way, is indeed a blessing, she was so happy being kissed.

Mum was also happy to be with her daughter, and the fact that she was able to share this timeline of the last days of the end times together. She was a great believer in 'life after death', and she had been given so much evidence of it during her life. The dream is also testimony of that fact. In fact the first place she came after she passed over, was to yours truly, and we melted into unconditional love together. It was one of the most beautiful spiritual experiences of my life when she appeared at the side of me, looking up at me in awe of the love and light that she could see.

Do you remember the prophecy in Joel chapter 2? The Day of the LORD. "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions". The prophecy indicated that a lot more people would have spiritual experiences and that is why we saw huge growth in spirituality across Europe; and especially in the UK. 'So do not throw away your (spiritual) confidence, for it will be richly rewarded'. Hebrews 10:35.

Sometimes people can have confidence in all sorts of things. However, it is important that you have confidence in yourselves and your spiritual abilities and talents. Confidence in the self usually begins in childhood, and is enhanced in childhood when children are strong minded.

Although some children are born with a huge amount of confidence as they begin to express their natural talents and intuition. My son as been consciously aware of his dreams since he was a child. I often noticed him going to the book case, looking up the interpretations of his dreams. 

'For you have been my hope, Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth'. Psalm 71:5

The light of hope is awesome indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 80, mentions Joseph, 'Its branches reached out as far as the sea, its shoots as far as the river'. Psa 80:11
