
Monday 5 September 2016

Christian Democrat Merkel Out

News in that the anti-immigration party as "defeated" Angela Merkel on her own turf. Just because they called the party Christian Democrat doesn't mean that they do what Jesus would do.

Germans are celebrating today, Merkel out.

Maybe Merkel should have become a nun instead, Mother Theresa knew how to raise millions to help the poor in India. Although that was a completely different era and timeline. You know what Jesus said about the rich man don't you? Do you know about the prophecy that Carl Jung received about the Church, and what would happen to it? 

I don't agree with everything that Jung said, although I do agree with the most important aspects of his findings in relation to the rite of passage and its initiations. Although Jung was still on his soul journey, and at the end of his life he said that he wished that he had devoted his life to studying alchemy and mysticism. A very reflective man, Carl Jung. 

Carl also spoke of how the Essenes were naturally psychologists, yes, spiritual psychologists, mystics and alchemists. A spiritual reality we lived, ecological and spiritually sustaining our environment and our people. Did you know that Germany is one of the most spiritual countries in Europe? I don't think the spiritual Germans are willing to give that up for the Muslims, Mrs Merkel. 

We've worked very hard, for a very long time; to help to heal our people and our countries after WW2, and we are not going to give that up, never again we said in Europe, and we meant it, never again. Even the Supreme court in Germany, sided with the Reiki healers, that was brilliant. For healing is the path of salvation, Mrs Merkel, not open borders. For when you find the borders and boundaries within yourselves, you do not allow others to erode them. 

Allow Germany to have self-respect, national interest and self-love. Allow German people to be charitable in the way that their hearts lead the people to be. Allow them to be free, no more IAPT CBT Merkel. No more Americanisms and American corporations. Europe is our continent, it does not belong to America or Asia. These are our historic cultures and they shall be preserved, for the LORD our God preserves us. 

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