
Wednesday 24 August 2016


Now Richard Branson wasn't interested in giving any help or support to establish a charity for 'depressed and suicidal children' when he was approached by yours truly asking for help. He sent a letter in response saying that he was too busy with his train and plane projects to help yours truly to help the children in our nation.

Since that time his house burned down on Necker Island, and he's also had some trains 'derail' the timeline of 'Derailment' was also forewarned. Today's news report is that Blairite Branson is "Upset" with Jeremy Corbyn over his plans to renationalise the railways.  The Daily Mail article says that the establishment is 'absolutely petrified'.

What did the LORD say prior to what happened in Nice, France? Remember Bono the Blairite was in a restaurant in Nice at the time? The LORD said, 'Don't fret', 'Don't Get Upset'.


Richard Branson has to do the will of God, he has to be charitable. The greatest command from God. How many times does he have to be told the truth? How many houses to burn down? How many trains 'derailed'? Elijah brings the house down and the fire upon Branson's reality.

Did you think you were a captain of industry, Richard? Do you know what Elijah did to the captains of industry?

We've had enough of you Blarite Branson. How's your Californian wine Richard? Haven't you had a long drought in California? Isn't the droughts to do with the fact that you should be doing the will of God? That's what it says in the bible. Remember what happened to your hot air balloon?

So you are willing to sit drinking wine with Beyonce on Necker Island, while children have no food in their bellies in the UK? How much tax did you pay Richard? Did you get a write-off like Vodafone did? What did you do about that Richard? Did you defend the poorest of the nation, or increase the charges for train journeys beyond what the people could afford to pay? How about your flights? Didn't you also have some complications with your planes taking off and landing?

You see we remember Richard, we also remember the 'Thugs' that you employed. How about Clinton and Beyonce?

Are all captains of industry the same as Branson? No, there are some people that are genuinely sincere, and have the nation's children in their hearts. Remember what Prophet Isaiah said in the scrolls, only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity.

1 comment:

  1. Richard Branson in the news again. He doesn't listen to warnings does he? This time he nearly waved goodbye to his life altogether.
