
Wednesday 24 August 2016

6.4 ITALY Earthquake

When I woke up today I was given 'Doctor', I do have an appointment with a doctor coming and I also wrote about a doctor POTTS yesterday. Isaiah 64 is about the 'Potter and the Clay'.

However, after I received the message, I saw the news about the earthquake in Italy. Scientists are also given the title Dr too.

It's a 6.4 on the 'Day of Examination'. Last time I looked, 120 people have passed over due to this earthquake. At the same time a person was asking for a dream interpretation on-line, and their dream was about moving locations and it included a clock. In this news article about the earthquake the clock tower is still standing.

There has also been a 'knife' attack in Australia with two backpackers involved, after I saw that news, I could smell aftershave.

When these earthquakes happen, the heavenly Father likes me to look at numerics of the magnitudes.

A 6.4 in Hebrew gematria is the numeric of 'CHANGE' and in Greek it is 'TRUTH'. Biblically, the Truth is about the Spirit of Truth. Its a long time since I've been to Italy, and this region. It's very beautiful. 

Isaiah 64, were you given a pottery chalice on your wedding day, and was it made by a family member? Were you also gifted with a mirror with pottery tiles that that had been sculptured by an artist? Were you compelled to have a large brown water jug made in pottery? Did you own all three things at the same time?

Did your mother do pottery, and did you do pottery at school? Did you bring home the pottery things that you made at school, and give those items as gifts to your parents and grandparents?  Did you go with your mother to evening classes, to adult education, and do pottery together?

What creativity did you share with your families? What time did you enjoy together, were your parents happy with you and your effort and willingness? Did you do the will of God and honour your mother and father? Were you charitable to your parents and family, charity the greatest commandment of love. Were you charitably giving and sharing the word of God?

Were you charitable to your friends, and what did you give? Were you charitable to the people in your communities, helping the disabled, and those that were brought to you and your door?

How great is your love? Is your love as tall as a tree, and as deep as the ocean? How many people did you feed, how much food did you give to the poor? Did you arrive with bags full, did you arrive with trolleys full, did you put food in their freezer when they weren't at home?  How charitable were you to each other? Did you put others before yourself?

What else were we sharing about today? The Isaiah prophecies, when Isaiah mentioned the Islands, he also mentioned the arm of a person that would come. I asked a person why do you think the arm was so important and which biblical figure had something happen to their arm? 

That biblical figure was Moses, and Moses foretold that a person would come like him. For a person to be like Moses, one of the identification criteria given was their right arm. As white as snow due to a skin condition.

Did the Italians understand the importance of that? Did they share that with the congregation in Italy? How do people respond when they are faced with the facts? They have to change their views of their reality, and what happens if they don't? Do you know?

It was while I was teaching in Italy in 2003, that a talking stick from the land was made for me, and it was about sharing the truth and in so doing, helping people to make the changes that they had to make in their lives for them to prosper as healers. I also went to Italy to look for a place in the sun, as a sunny country is the best climate for my skin condition, and overall health.

Of course, 2003, was also the harmonic concordance, on the river Arno, in Florence. When a group of us came together to do the will of God, Italians, an Israeli and I both flew in to join with the Italians.

In 2000 after my return from Australia, during a Shiatsu treatment, Mother Mary appeared before yours truly and she spoke of the importance of looking after my health in relation to the mission that I had been called, and summoned for. Hence, health as been a priority, in whatever the heavenly Father has had me engaged in. Spreading the love is about health, spreading the truth about love is healthy for those that are happy to receive it when it is poured out. The Spirit of Grace was poured out upon Italy many times during my life on this planet.

Even more important now, due to what the Americans have done to implement their systems into Europe. The EU has been working on standardising healthcare in Europe with the Americanisms and TTIP is also involved in that. Are the Italians awake? Would you like to chat about what is happening, shall you come to visit me to discuss it? I shall not travel to Italy again, to help the Italians. The Italians had a choice to stay close to yours truly.


They're now saying its a 6.2, I do wish they would make up their minds. 

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