
Saturday 6 August 2016


On the 27th May, 2016 I wrote a post about 'Oedema and Lymphedema'.

In my investigation of the medical profession in the UK, I have discovered that the so-called medical professionals are 'insulting' the intelligence of their patients, and Jesus warned his healers, his followers that they would be 'insulted'. He also warned about the medical profession and those that can take the soul, they could not take mine.

So how are they 'insulting' patients and their intelligence?

They tell patients to walk on their feet when in reality the feet should be rested as much as possible and with oedema the feet should be placed higher than the heart.

Rheumatologists tell patients that there is no evidence for Sjogren's when there clearly is. A Rheumatologist does not examine a person's eyes, mouth, or consider the surgery that is in the process of being carried out.

They ask questions about the eyes and mouth, then don't include the responses in their letters to GP's. So I recommend that people obtain an eye investigation at Specsavers. Even horses have eye examinations.  Also make sure that you have a good dentist that gives you continued monitoring. Of course that isn't easy for people that have been sanctioned, because they then are denied dental treatment and monitoring on the NHS.

IMHV, Sjogren's is not an auto-immune condition, and it also has many different symptoms. See my posts on Sjogren's. The requirement for hospital surgery inside the mouth due to the enamel coming off the teeth, is a clear sign of Sjogren's.

It is a post-traumatic condition, and we know scientifically, that physical trauma changes DNA. We also know the impact that dental x-rays have had on the saliva glands, and the quality of the saliva also impacts upon the teeth.

At least some medics are now agreeing that the saliva should be examined to ascertain the cause. For it requires a cause to provide an accurate diagnosis, and how can a surgeon operate unless he knows why he/she has to operate?

Medics are telling patients that physical injuries have healed, when they clearly have not, because patients are in pain on a daily basis from the moment that they wake up. Walking upon those 'injuries' causes further pain, and should be restricted as much as possible. In the video below, the American neurologist mentions the pain caused by activity.

The medics in the UK purposely cause the patient pain to the extent of them screaming with the pain caused by the doctor during an examination, and they then have the audacity to call that 'discomfort'. Screaming due to the pain caused is a lot more than 'discomfort', as most people would agree, and I have always had a high pain threshold, not everyone does so.

Then after your screams and tears, the medic then has the audacity to write to your GP and tell the GP that you have normal movement. That's like saying that a lame horse can run in the grand national or the Epsom Derby.

The Rheumatologist can see that the patient has a swollen bone in their hands, they then don't x-ray those hands for further investigation, even though the hands are locking up. Why didn't they x-ray that arthritic bone? They didn't explain that in their response to the complaint. How can you have a fair and just complaints system to defend patients; when the NHS employees at the hospital are defending other NHS hospital employees?

On arrival at the hospital, patients are not told the distance that they will have to walk, nor are they offered any transportation to get from the reception to the ward where the doctor is.

In the meantime, the patient suffers the 'insults', and 'incompetence' of the medics at the same time as being sanctioned by DWP. They then find that letters sent to their GP's does not include a full case history, cause or diagnosis. Nor does it include the affirmative responses that the patient gave to their experiences of different symptoms.

Lame horses receive more care and mercy than humans do in the UK. Do you remember the film, 'They shoot horses don't they?". That was a film about American people.

As the LORD said 'They care more about their dogs than they do about you'.

When a patient goes to A&E due to 'injuries', they are offered no after-care service by the NHS, nor does the NHS insist upon it. Its no surprise then that patients that can afford it, are getting a second opinion from a different medic. Nigel Farage had 'cancer' and he also critiqued the NHS on its diagnostic abilities.

The NHS has certainly changed since the 70's, when I had to have laser treatment for 'cancerous cells' due to the fact that the family planning department had inserted a copper 7 into my cervix. The American Searle that had more court cases against it then could be counted, those IUD's were banned in America due to it, although Searle still sell those devices to third world countries.

Its also taking 6-7 years to get a diagnosis for Sjogren's patients, and that length of time to get an MRI scan with a neurologist. In 2012, the London NHS, issued instructions that all patients with a long standing back issue must be sent to a neurologist immediately.

Please take your 'pain' seriously, as there are more and more cases of 'back cancer' and people are dying prior to it being discovered. I heard of another case the other week, a woman on the bus shared that a friend of hers had died with it, prior to an accurate diagnosis being given.

'Hear me, you who know what is right, you people who have taken my instruction to your heart. Do not fear the reproach of mere mortals, or be terrified by their insults'. Isaiah 51:7

The more that the medics "insult" their patients intelligence and experience, the stronger Zion will defend those that are being "oppressed" by the medics and DWP.  Mercy triumphs over judgement of our people that require help. The Spirit of Grace and supplication, for the LORD asked for mercy, not sacrifice.

This video is helpful for your comprehension of 'lameness',  although you have to view it on youtube.

On the 12th of May, 2016, the Neurological Alliance provided an article titled, 'People living with neurological conditions 'let down' by government response to PAC'. PAC stands for Public Accounts Committee and it made recommendations for improving neurology services in the UK.

The report stated, "It is clear that neurological conditions are not a priority for the Department of Health and NHS England". 

At least 58% of patients are having difficulty accessing the neurological services and treatment that they require. For more information, read the article.

Now that article reminds me of the Equine man that appeared in the dream that spoke to me about 'Parkinson's'. The Epsom Derby dream. I had that dream the same month that the article was published.

Neurological conditions vary so much in depth and breadth.



1 comment:

  1. A Neurology Post.
