
Saturday 6 August 2016


A protest and vigil has been held in Tottenham on the fifth anniversary of Mark Duggan's passing. The demonstrators are also remembering Cynthia Jarrett, Joy Gardener, Roger Sylvester and Jermaine Baker. The placards say, 'No justice, No Peace' in what is known in the scriptural prophecy as the location of  'Little Israel'.

On Friday, roads were also blocked in Nottingham, Birmingham and the M4 at Heathrow.

Mercy will triumph over judgement. James 2:13

Angels of Colour 

Let your marches be for mercy and its freedom, it requires mercy for there to be real justice for the children of our nation. For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy. He asked for HESED, it is a word that includes charity, loving kindness, and compassionate action.

There were those whereby the police impacted upon their lives and children, and there were those that took their own life due to what the police did to them. It did impact upon the house of David as it is written in Zechariah 12. David knew what was happening to our people and the children, when it impacted upon  him. He understood everything that I had shared with him. May David be with the children in Spirit, may he be with the children in heaven.

Love beyond measure to everyone in Tottenham. Spirit of Grace and supplication. 'He gives Grace to the afflicted'. Psalm 3:34

Families For Justice launched in Liverpool.

We may not like the fact that it is written in the biblical prophecies, but the fact is, that it is. Two men were brought into my life, and I noted that they both had sons with the name of Levi. Both of those children passed over young, prior to me being introduced to their dads. The name Levi is mentioned in Zechariah 12.

One of those dads loved me, and the other man stood against me, although I was always loving and kind towards him. Mercy triumphs over judgement of yours truly.

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