
Tuesday 23 August 2016

Dr Wendy Potts

Another suicide, this time a Doctor, Wendy Potts. Do you remember the case of John Jones QC?

The inquest says he walked under a train in Hampstead and he was travelling from Marylebone to Golders Green. It wasn't explained what he was doing in Hampstead exactly.

Now a medical doctor, a woman, and a mother, just 46 years old.

Both John Jones QC, and Wendy Potts had moved home and location. Both were under immense pressure with the lives and futures of their clients and patients in their hands. Was Wendy Potts accurately diagnosed? I don't think so. Doctors like their patients are at the mercy of the same system and its Americanisms. Makes you wonder what medication they had put her on, pharmaceuticals and how they destroy lives.

The doctor was expressing her experiences on her blog, and a patient reported her, I wonder how that patient feels about her report now? What happened to self-expression, what happened to freedom of speech? Wendy's self-expression was so important as it was helping her to release it.

Wendy had been suspended from her job after that pending further investigations, they usually go before the GMC for a psychological assessment in those circumstances; and Wendy was clearly bereaved over one of her patients. Whether it is a friend, client, patient, or family member, you always ask yourselves, 'could I have done more?'

It is written that it wasn't the first time that she had tried to commit suicide. Her mother said this of her daughter, "felt she got more than she could cope with" after she and her husband bought a small-holding in Wales in May.

Wendy was clearly in "System Overload" and that impacts on the whole body due to its impact upon her nervous system. That's why it used to be called a 'Nervous Breakdown'. Did they give Wendy a brain scan prior to her passing, or an autopsy afterwards? Sometimes a physical condition can impact upon the brain and neurones, sometimes there is something else going on in the body, that impacts upon the hormones and metabolism of the body.

Carl Jung would refer to it as an initiation on the rite of passage and he stood against the mental health profession as it existed in the 20th century. It is not a lot better in the 21st century, they still hand out pharmaceuticals and labels to justify their existence.

Souls are fragile, sensitive, hold a soul gently in your hands, healing is the path of salvation. We have to have holistic healthcare in the UK, that embraces the soul and its consciousness. We have to have holistic healing retreats where people can go whenever they have the requirement to do so.

People, youth and our children, have to receive a much higher level of support than is currently being offered by the NHS. There is an opportunity for a totally new charity to provide what is required, because the NHS is not meeting the requirements of the people like Wendy.

Gravity of Love

Many years ago I did contact Sainsbury's when trying to raise money for healing centres for depressed and suicidal children. Sainsbury's who had an interest in these matters, and they responded that they were only concerned with policy. How many times have I heard that from different NGO's?

Too many times, I also contacted Richard Branson to help with the establishment of the charity, and he responded that he was too busy with his train project. Too busy he was, to help children and people who are suicidal due to the system and environment that the people are having to live in. Yea, its a "System Overload".

My people are not putting up with it anymore.

May Wendy rest in peace, may she be covered in white feathers.

Temple of Love

Condolences to her friends and family.

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