
Tuesday 23 August 2016


Message received while walking today, 'Bob knows', I responded, 'Bob knows what?, he responded, 'Bob knows that you are f------g angry'. He said it with a smiling voice. Life after death, Bob lives on, Bob has arisen, and Bob knows what is going on in his family and community.

I think humanity is what he says it is, humanity have clearly had enough.

Interesting that Bob Marley brought out a song called, 'I Know', although I did paint for a man with the name of Bob that passed over, as it linked into a timeline, and a vision of a trowel that I had been given years previously. Some refer to it as the 'Bricklayers Trowel' or the 'Pointing Trowel'.

Then there is Donald Trump talking to the house builders, the American dream of Americans is to own their own home he says, and 25% of what Americans pay for is regulation. What was your dream? Was your dream to own your own home? Mine wasn't, the only reason my partner and I bought a flat in the 70's was at that time it was cheaper to buy than rent. The mortgage for our two bed flat cost us £90 a month. With two salaries and a low cost of living, we were having a wonderful time, in the purity of love.

So by buying it meant we were more financially fluid and had more cash in our pockets. You can't say that about young people today, they can hardly afford to rent somewhere, and most can't even think about ever buying a home. 40 year olds in the UK are moving home to live with their parents, because they can't afford their own place to live in. Of course, immigration has pushed up the cost of rental and the cost of purchases.

Young people today, dream of having a job that will help them to get ahead of themselves. When I was young, we didn't dream about having a job, there were plenty of jobs to go around. In the 70's I had no debt, no credit cards, saved plenty, had plenty of holidays and a great social life. Of course, that was before the EU membership, computers and giving birth to a child.

The Western nations have to have a change of direction and a change of heart, as the trade unions knew in the 70's that there wouldn't be jobs for everyone in this timeline. Natural resources are paramount, and there is enough to go around, if America stops taking more than its fair share of it.

Why would America and the UK continue with their housebuilding plans when they're talking about reducing the deficit. How can they reduce the deficit and debt, when they promote home ownership, mortgages and debt?

My mother bought her home in London for cash, no mortgage, no debt. Dad was made redundant, so they had the cash to pay for it in their 50's.

When she had a credit card, it was paid off every single month, so that she paid no interest. Those were the days when England was prosperous, when people could afford to save up for the things that they would like. Just like people saved up for their holidays. In those days, over 70% of English people lived in social housing.

Those people were happy living in their communities, my parents didn't dream of owning their own house. They were happy and contented in their council home; that they paid for throughout their life living in it. Humble hearts lived in social housing, humble hearts that care.


Tonight I watched a film of QC's discussing Brexit, and the QC's have said that if the Brexit team don't do what the people voted for, then there will be 'civil war'. The politicians don't have a choice, they have to bow to the power of the people. The QC's also said that the referendum in the UK was the biggest revolution constitutionally since the 1600's. And the politicians didn't know what to do about it, they weren't prepared for the outcome that came to be when the majority voted to leave.

I think they underestimated the power of feeling in the country, amongst the people. They also underestimated the power of Nigel Farage, the social networks and social media.

IMHV, it was the first time that social media had an incredible impact upon the outcome of a vote.  The power of communications has been taken out of the hands of the mainstream media, radio, television, and national newspapers. This is a totally new era in the field of communications, and every election now will be impacted upon, by it and the people's engagement. Another reason why Obama and Clinton are doing their utmost to restrict it and restrain the internet legally. Clinton emails have even proposed closing down alternative media websites like Breitbart.

The way things are going in America, it looks like it is the end of the Liberal Democrats; as more and more people are discovering the truth about the colour of American democracy, and what its true intentions are with TTP. Americans are waking up to the fact that Clinton does not stand for freedom of speech that is a universal human right.

Trump says that America spent trillions on war with Iraq, and received nothing in return, is that true?

How much money went into the Clinton Foundation does anyone know? I noticed today that the FBI have access to another 15,000 Clinton emails, that disclose that the Clinton family also received millions from Bahrain.

Steve shares about the energy of this last week of August, as the energy is building up to a climax. Good job my next appointments are not until September.

What I will say is this, Reiki principle, 'Just for today do not anger', and remember what the heavenly Father said prior to what happened in Nice, in France, 'Don't fret', 'Don't get upset'. Food wise, my body has been asking for carbs, and I did wonder about that, as I haven't been eating very much in the last couple of weeks. I'm in tune with my body, are you intuitive to yours? I did ask people whether they would do a job if they knew it would impact upon their health?

Those that responded, said, that they wouldn't and some have learned a lot about the impact of some jobs on the body. I think that jobs should have a risk assessment, and people should be paid accordingly.

If you respect yourself, then you respect your health, and Mother Mary was very concerned about our health. When she said, 'If you don't look after your health, then you won't complete your mission'.

Interesting that after I received that message, I was asked by a colleague to get involved in her health and healing forum, and it grew from one forum to 98 during the time that I was posting. The growth of it was awesome, so positive, and powerfully energetic, spirituality blossomed amongst the young ones in our presence and support.

Mother Mary, also gifted the blue mystical rose in recent years, and that is for achieving the impossible.

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