
Wednesday 13 July 2016


I had a dream about tooth 13 and that tooth is connected to the following:

Posterior, pituitary, lobe, liver, gall bladder, 9th and 10th dorsal vertebrae, ankle, hip, knee, eye, sphenoidal, sinus, tonsil. My tonsils were removed as a teenager, it was fashionable in those days for doctors to removed the tonsils of children. As we know the fashions of doctors and dentists change.

In the dream I could take the tooth out myself with its root, the complete tooth just slipped out easily in my hand. In dream interpretation, if you take out a tooth in a dream it can be a forecast of favourable business interests, or opportunities.

If the tooth was 'loose' as it was, it is a warning about others that you might of considered to be friends. In the UK dental care is privatised, as we know, dentists are sub-contractors to the NHS.

On this 13th day, the UK has a new female Prime Minister. Will she care about 1950s women that had their pensions and regular dental care taken away from them? An economist said that it has cost 1950s women £50,000, that is what the Conservatives have done.

In Egyptian dream interpretation; to dream of a tooth can indicate that there will be a passing, so it can relate to a bereavement that you will hear of.

The numeric of 13 is also the date of my birth when the cord was cut too short. I then screamed for ten days; before I was rushed to hospital for an urgent hernia operation, I was jaundiced too. The numeric of 13 links into the 13th Day and Fatima Prophecies, in 2017 it will be the 100th anniversary.

Interesting that it is the 13th today, a dream about the 13th tooth on the 13th day. It is the numeric of change, and he who understands the numeric of 13 is given power and dominion. It can also be a numeric of upheaval to break new ground. A warning of the unexpected, and it advises to adapt to the changes gracefully. There is strength in the vibration of the numeric of 13, and it is associated with explorers, new discoveries and genius.

13th tooth on the 13th day, and this is the 26th post in July. 13 x 2 = 26 the date of my birth, 13th February. February being the second month. As the LORD said, 'Tell them when you were born'.

In 2014, I was referred to London for an emergency appointment to see a consultant. That appointment never arrived. Bart's Hospital asked for a case history, as such, I spent two hours writing up a case history prior to it being sent to the dental clinic for it to be sent to London. There was no further response from London.

A year later in 2015, the clinic decided that we couldn't wait any longer, oral surgery was imperative and urgent. At that point I was referred to a local hospital, and the consultant didn't even put me in the dental chair to carry out a proper examination of what was going on orally. I made an official complaint to the dental clinic about the hospital dental consultant, and I also sent a copy of that to my GP clinic.

When I followed it up in 2016, I was told that those that refer you to consultants don't do anything with your complaints, and that you have to make an official complaint with the hospital yourself.

Great I thought, why didn't they tell me that months ago?

At that point the dental clinic said that they would write to the hospital asking for a change of surgeon. After that the local hospital received an official complaint from yours truly. The hospital were quick to follow up on that particular complaint, and they assured me that they would provide a new surgeon, but there would be further delay. Due to us having to start all over again.

They also said that they hadn't received a letter from the dental clinic as promised. Patients that find themselves in the middle of all of the sub-contractors, going round and round in circles. Who will speak up for our people and what is happening to them?

I discussed the latest situation with my GP the last time that I saw him, and I shared with him that I think its important that we know the cause, and that a swab is taken for investigation, he agreed with me. He also said that he would do a referral for the neurologist, so after asking for seven years, maybe now I will get an MRI done as requested.


Original artwork gifted, 8th July, 2016. 

Its 22 weeks to get an appointment with a neurologist at our local hospital. It looks like we require a lot more neurologists.

Interesting that the 13th of July, is the 'Day of Opportunity' in numerics and this is the speech from Theresa May, she mentions the legacy of Cameron. News coming in is that there have been some radical changes to the cabinet with Boris Johnson getting the job of foreign secretary. His first cabinet position. A tooth, and Theresa is wearing the colour of mourning on the day of her announcement of her intentions. She refers to her party as the Conservative Unionists.

So is Theresa telling the truth about Cameron's legacy?

On the same day, CAS issued their report on the Scottish "Destitution".

What a high cost the people have paid for the politicians to receive another reality check.

Rev 13, wisdom was called to do the count on the man e.g. Obama. Now an Englishwoman in No 10 who as supported Sharia law, as Obama prepares to leave his presidency. Would you trust any of them with your life? Just look what they've done to the lives of the people in the previous years. George Osborne sacked, that won't make up for what they've done to our people.

As the Son of Joseph said after he passed over, 'Forget me not'. 

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