
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Cameron-May "Destitution"

As Cameron hands over the reins to Theresa May what is his legacy?

Citizens Advice in Scotland have filed a report that states that the 'Welfare system is not working' and people are "destitute in Scotland". CAS report that there has been 47% increase in food bank inquiries on its services. The food bank statistics emerged in this new report - Living at the Sharp End. The results of CAS researchers investigating the root cause of the trend, no food, and no money for essentials.

63% were men. Average age was 43, six years young than the average client.

One in three had children.

60% lived alone and one in ten were homeless.

A third had a disability.

Recommendations have been made by CAS for a full-scale independent review of the benefit sanctions regime to be held.

As we know, the American Maximus Inc corporation took over from ATOS the French company. CH4 went undercover and exposed employees of the American corporation who are financially incentivised to sanction the people. It was shown on British television, that those employees are getting up to £20,000 a month to sanction our people.

Things are not any better either with the new 'Universal Credit' scheme, and PIP. It looks like they are replacing ESA and JSA.  People will either have to be on 'Universal Credit' or PIP, and in both systems, they experience the same sanctioning process.

Interesting that people that are working and getting tax credits, will also be moved to the 'Universal Credit' system. PIP restrictions are so tightly constrained, and carefully worded, that DWP have been told to change the application forms. Of course, it doesn't stop with form-filling, after that the people are faced with an American corporation employees.

I anticipate that the rise in suicides will increase due to the "destitution" that has been imposed upon, our people. We have to take action quickly to counteract the social policies of Cameron/May, and DWP.

Another reason why I said to Phil Lynott in the dream, that I won't be watching what's going on with BREXIT and Brussels, we have to concentrate on what is mostly impacting upon our people and nation right now, because 'crime' is also rising with the immigration, its 'destitution" that Conservative social policy as co-created. Conservatives in the UK followed the social policies of America, and their philosophy is that 'The more blood there is on the streets, the more money there is to be made'. 

Thank you to CAS for providing the report for Scotland, I am sure that CAB in England are finding the same happening. Food banks are keeping people alive. However, people require fresh food for all of their nutrients. So in the short-medium term, this situation, has a huge impact upon the health of the nation, that costs the nation a lot more in the long run. Food impacts on health.

Iain Duncan-Smith went, then David Cameron, their legacy of "DWP Destitution" that they pass over to Theresa May. Her husband a banker that works for an American corporation as of 2016. On her profile she is described as 'Ruthless', yea, voting for the austerity was indeed voted for by 'Ruthless' people. While the big corporations like Vodafone got their tax bill written off.

I have corrected the guy in the video, privacy law is not dependent on the EU, it was the UN that brought in the Privacy Laws as shared by Julian Assange. Zero hour contracts are not jobs, its casual labour.

The 'Universal Credit' scheme is dependent on people having computers and bank accounts, some people don't have either. 

What our people require is mercy, compassionate action and love beyond measure, as proven in 2002-2003, and I provided a written report after the work was completed. It was very difficult to get results of the 'New Empowerment Model' published in newspapers and magazines, due to the huge amount of stakeholders involved.

The media were involved in supporting the CBT IAPT American system, that also isn't working, and their statistics have been called out by academic professionals. From America to Sweden, throughout Europe, the academics are on it. People keep on dying, because they're not getting the appropriate support when it matters, especially people with health issues.

CAB have advised that 450,000 disabled people will be 'worst off' on 'Universal Credit'.

The Save the Children charity, have highlighted that a woman with two children, that is either working full-time or on, or around the minimum wage, will have £2,500 a year less with the 'Universal Credit'.

Then we have 1950s women that have had their pensions removed too, that has cost these women £50,000 say the economists.

'They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted, and mistreated, the world was not worthy of them'. Hebrews 11:37-38

The Bed Covering, Proverbs 31 

'Speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all that are destitute'. Proverbs 31:8

What else is happening in Scotland? Free University places being given to students from the EU, and a lot of Scottish youngsters are finding their places at university being taken by EU students.

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