
Thursday 14 July 2016


Andrea Leadsom a Taurus Bull has been give a job in the cabinet, Secretary of State for Environment and Rural Affairs and CARMEN sang about the "Bullfight" at the end of the day. 

Its a prophetic album. 

Then we have another bull in Justine Greening, who announced her "same-sex marriage". 

Can you believe it, they've put a woman that didn't even put the effort in to vote on Syria, in charge of education. She made herself busy talking to a minister when the bell was sounded for the crucial vote. 

What's Justine's background, another woman with a financial career background, what does she know about education? It looks like a tactical move, as Jeremy Corbyn has a background in education, and is strongly involved with the teachers trade unions. Can you see what they're doing, all at the expense of British education? 

Once again, a representative of a minority group, in this case LGBT, impacting upon the education of the majority. What does Justine know about cutting edge science and new physics just for starters? I don't think that they teach that at the London School of Economics do they? 

The Johnson Curve is what the London School of Economics learn about don't they? You can be sure that there will be some bullfights coming in education, the environment and rural affairs. Theresa May took office on the 'Day of Opportunity', and we can see the kind of of opportunities they're looking for. All you have to do is look at their career backgrounds to see where they're coming from. 

Did you know that people from the EU get free university degrees in Scotland? Our children don't get that in England do they? They have some brilliant universities in Scotland too, even William and Kate went to university in Scotland. 

Did you know that there are plenty of children that wished to train as nurses, but the Conservatives decided that they couldn't afford to train the young people that were willing to train. 

Of course not, tax breaks for corporations, and writing off the tax owed by Vodafone and others was more important to the Conservatives; than educating the youth in the subject of their choice and boosting the NHS with homegrown. 

Do you know that on some degree courses in different subjects there are only 30-35 places and over 800 applications? 

So many politicians have had financial careers, how many of them have actually had the life experience of running their own successful businesses? How many of them trained the youth, employed the youth, and helped the youth to become successful in their lives? How many of them actually have real business experience and know what a minefield it can be? 

How many chose creativity above everything else when given the choice? 

How many were motivated by the heart of love? 

Children, our children, the future of this nation. What the world requires now is love, mercy and compassionate action, not people that were motivated into financial careers for financial reasons. 

We don't wish for children of this nation to become like American youth, thank you. Although the Conservatives have done enough to make it their reality; with all of the American systems that have been put into our nation to make it so. 

Our people have to defend our British culture of coming from the heart of love, not just the environment. New biology and new science, nature, nurture and environment, although that is one thing that I can agree with an American on. Dr Bruce Lipton. 

The last I heard Bruce was moving to New Zealand, and over 50 holistic doctors in America have come to a strange ending in their lives. 

Circumstances that spiritual people and people that work in holistic health should be very alarmed about. Education must be holistic because health is a major aspect of everyones lives. 

Good health is the greatest wealth when you have it, and it requires stamina and a lot of energy to withstand life and life circumstances, especially when you are bringing up your children that have immense energy and love to give. 

Children are the supreme joy of human life, make sure that you put children first. For Elijah as spoken, turn your hearts to the children, and they will turn their hearts to you. For it is only love that gets us through the health issues at the end of the day, and they will always remember what their parents taught them, over and above what they learn in school. 

Hence, children that had parents that gave the children healthy home cooked food, will always keep that in their hearts of compassionate action for themselves and others.

Jesus approves of this message, its HOT! 

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