
Friday 15 July 2016


So we had the cars set on fire in Saint-GiLLes in Brussels, after I received the Phil Lynott dream that was asking about whether I would be watching Brussels after the BREXIT had now begun.

Now there has been another event this time in France, in Nice and Nostradamus did provide prophecies to France about Islam, and Nice was one of the locations that he wrote about.

So why have I mentioned Saint-GiLLes and what does that have to do with BastILLe Day celebrations in Nice, France? Can you see the "ILL" in both the location in Brussels, and the celebration in France? Would you celebrate a 'Day of Destruction' ponder upon it, perhaps it should just be called the 'Day of ILL'.

People have asked about the ID card of the truck driver, as some Americans think it strange that he was carrying an ID card. That is what people in European countries do, they carry ID cards, they have to. The ID card that has been displayed by the media finished in 19, e.g. 2019. It was for ten years, starting in 2009. That was the year that Obama took office, 2009.

In the UK we defended our nation's people against such things as an ID cards. Although, photographs were added to driving licenses in the UK, and both driving licences and passports are used for official identification.

Then the people ask why wouldn't he throw away his identification prior to the event?

Why would he? What would that person's motivation be to do that? If you read the media articles about what they say he said; then if you comprehend psychology, then you can see that the truck driver wished to be validated, recognised for doing something that he would be known for.

The media say that the man was from Tunisa, I have been to Tunisa with my son on holiday, and I didn't like that location. I cried for the whole two weeks that I was in Tunisa and I cannot 'Fret' or 'Get 'Upset' anymore. My health is my priority.

There is a big divide in Tunisa between the haves and have nots, its the same in Islamic Egypt, the huge divide between the rich and the poor in their countries and communities. The poorer a person is the more likely they are to join the jihad against the West. When a poor person is on the precipice, when they don't have anything to live for, that is when a person is most vulnerable to the Islamic philosophy of Jihad. Does it remind you of the Cameron-May legacy of 'Destitution".

If you look at what the media have written about the Tunisian man, they say that he was an outsider to the Islamic community due to his actions based upon what his brother said.

A healer can see that he required a lot of healing based upon what the media wrote about him, and you might ask were was the love in his life that could give him the healing that he required? Do not let the governments make what has happened in France become an excuse for another war. I do not support Theresa May, she's not a very good actress is she, not even when she is wearing a headscarf.

Do not allow what has happened in Nice, to pour oil on a fire of civil war in your country. Only love beyond measure can heal the world, and each individual person that requires it. Only love beyond measure helps us to heal our bereavements and what that triggers inside of us for healing.

Remember what the heavenly Father said when he said that Obama was the 'fuel on the fire' and remember what the Egyptian women said to Obama to leave their country alone. So its no coincidence to me that it was American television that was live streaming the night of the event, its no coincidence that there was so many Americans that were being interviewed too. France said NO to Obama and Merkel prior to this event.

How many Americans can afford to take their holidays in Nice? Do Americans have any idea how expensive it is in Nice? Do you know how few Europeans can afford to go on holiday in that location? Only rich people can afford to holiday in Nice.

Ask yourselves how many rich Islamic children join the jihad against the West?

The 14th of July in numerics is the 'Day of the Storyteller'.

My condolences to the people of France and to Nice; and remember it is only love that gets us through at the end of the day. I am pleased to share the news that an eight month old baby was found alive and was safely reunited with his mother.


Now the brother in Tunisa as actually come forward, and although there isn't a translation on the video, there is on the link by a person who has commented upon it. His brother says his name is SALMAN, is that another coincidence, that just prior to what happened in France, the SALMAN tower in Iran was on fire.

Apparently BONO was in that location at the time of the happening in a restaurant. He has a house near there.

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