
Saturday 23 July 2016

Master PO

After the Russell Brand dream, the next day was the report of the event at McDonalds in Munich in a shopping mall. I have examined the evidence in both video and written reports; and what has been disclosed is being discussed in the community where such things are looked at in depth and breadth. You might ask where was the shopping mall security? Apparently, McDonalds was on the opposite side of the road to the shopping mall.

The fact that McDonalds is a BRAND is no coincidence, or the fact that shopping malls have brands. The fact that it is the Olympia Mall is no coincidence either, nor that Russell Brand was at the Olympic stadium in 2012. 2012 was the 'end of the world as people have known it'.

In the dream write-up I mentioned 22 days, and Munich happened on the 22nd July, the 'Day of Fluctuation'. What else? It mentions hospitals, and neurology.

Russell Brand Dream

On the blogpost on the dream, I included songs that BRAND sung in a film, behind him is the backdrop of 'Infant Sorrow'. What is most emotive for people? Children, and it is written that there was a Facebook account calling children to McDonalds for a free lunch in Munich.

Is that true? You can decide for yourselves. Why are children so emotive? ELIJAH timeline, of asking parents to turn their hearts to the children, and then the children will turn their hearts to you.

The message that I received this morning when I woke up was PO, so it is interesting that in the film of Kung FU there is a Master Po. Historically there has also been a lot of discussion about what happened to David Carrradine.

We can find the word 'PO' in many different realities and it includes the name of a river in Italy. It also has a link to France, and its no coincidence that the journalist at the scene in Munich, is the same journalist that was at the scene in Nice, France. That journalist is married to an Israeli who was a member of the Israeli government. The word PO is the name of a city in Burkina Faso, and the reports say that the shooter in Munich was a German-Iranian. Iran -v- Israel, Israel -v- Iran.


It was around 2006-2007, that I issued a warning to Israeli's to be on alert at the Olympics, as I had been shown a Munich type event upon Israeli's in the future.

Yet, we find that there is some Israeli involvement in this Munich event due to the same journalist being at both scenes.

The same happened in Munich all those years ago didn't it? Munich 1972. In 1972, I was working in London.

A PO is also the name of one of the Teletubbies, and I was shown a vision of the Teletubbies and shared it on this blog. Teletubbies, 90's characters made for television.

PO is the word for "YES" in Albanian. It is written that in ancient China, PO is an element of the Spirit and PO means "White Soul", the "Bright Soul". 

In Chinese philosophy,  in staying awake it was considered that a person could restrain it. Hence those that suffer from "insomnia" might like to consider that implication of what is being 'constrained' and or 'restrained'. It was while It was in the 90's in Australia that I wrote about the importance of sleep in my first manuscript; with scientific back-up to support my view of its importance.

When women go through menopause they often experience "insomnia", so you might like to consider the reason why during menopause women are being 'restricted', and 'restrained', so much from working.  What use does it have in your process of development and those that you love?

How do you comprehend its importance and purpose in your life? What conclusions did you come to and what did you found your conclusions upon? 

Then when we look at the PO of lateral thinking, we find the name BONO, and it was disclosed that the Irish musician and singer Bono was at the event in Nice, France, it was written that he has a house nearby. The event in Nice, France can also be found in the quatrains of Nostradamus. 

A 'PO' is an idea that moves thinking forward to a new place where new ideas and solutions can be found. It indicates forward movement, as in making a statement and then seeing where it leads to, like throwing a pebble in a lake, how far does it go? It depends on your throw and the pebble itself.

It can be a provoking operation, and provocative, a marketing objective and strategy. During my different careers on the planet, I often implemented a 'Po' as I am a lateral thinker. However, would I do what has happened in Germany or France for a publicity stunt in a PR plan for a client? NO!

I have integrity of heart and a moral compass. 

There is an American tennis player Kim Po, and also an Italian painter with the name Teresa del Po.

There was an 8th century Turkish female ruler with the name of PO Beg, and she became the Queen Mother. She found herself in a position whereby she took refuge in China, it is written that she saved her people, but not her nation. As we know, there has been a lot going on in Turkey recently. It makes you wonder if the Turkish people have had their DNA checked because there has clearly been some inbreeding with the Chinese during the history of Turkey.

In the UK, the word 'PO' was the slang word for 'Chamber Pot' and when I was involved in antiques after I left London, I used to buy and sell some of those china pots. Link refers to the term 'Chamber' as the old fashioned word for 'Bedroom'. During that time my husband and I also worked at the USAF air bases in the UK. Then we find that there was news about an event at an RAF base in Norfolk in recent days, while a member of the RAF was out jogging.

It is written that the chamber pot was known as a Jordan, and my son used to come to the antique fairs and auctions with me when he was a baby/child. Even today, babies are still given a potty for their training and my son was cleaner than most babies of his age. 8 months during the daytime, soon after I had to put him in a bed, as he kept on climbing out of his cot, and I wished for him to be safe.

So he had a bed that was close to floor and the carpet. My son liked to be nude as a baby, he always took off his bedclothes and that was at time when people were very concerned about 'cot death's'. I came to the conclusion that babies were too hot, with the amount that they were being covered in, combined with central heating.

Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy about the other side of Jordan and what would happen. The prophecies also include the West and the Galilee of the Gentiles, and Galilee is usually translated as circuit.

In the UK it is often the case that when we are touring or exhibiting, speaking, we are on what is known as the 'lecture circuit.'  That is where I was found in the 90's by spiritual people, with my son on the circuit with other spiritual people.

Nostradamus foretold that the Iris would not be seen for 40 years, after 40 years the Iris could be seen everyday. The Iris is found in Greek mythology, it is symbolic of the divine feminine, a goddess of Greece. Then if you cross-reference that with biblical scripture, the wondrous woman from heaven with the moon under her feet is featured in Rev 12, that timeline overlaps with Micah 4, and the mission to the USA in 2008.


In Greece they found a statue of a woman, they gave it the name of Venus de Milos, one of the Islands closest to Milos is a Greek Island with my birth name given by my dad.


Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. Rev 13 wisdom was called to do the count on the man that was featured in the prophecy about him. 2008 was the year that Obama was elected in America, and now America as a new election to be involved in. Obama was only meant to be in office for one term, alas, we all know what happened at the voting booth, and to the voting machines. So do Breitbart that shared the videos of it.

What's coming? RIO 2016, Olympics. A few years ago I was compelled to spread the paint for central America and asked the person that the painting was given to, to pray for the children and their festivities. From memory, I think it was this painting and it has loads of feathers in it on a golden background.

There are different realities of Master Po, you've seen the Kung Fu version, then you have a different version, an American version of the character. Mention of martial arts in this video, with the Ninja's that my son used to collect when he was growing up. I remember when the children would dress up as Ninja's in the 80's. Ninja's is so 80s'.

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