
Monday 25 July 2016

Laurie Penny - Feminist Heartbreaker

The 21st century Feminist movement has been brought to my attention, and with it a young woman with the name of Laurie Penny. I've checked out her date of birth on her profile and she was born on the 'Day of the Heartbreaker' in numerics.

We know that America as been infected by this type of behaviour, although its quite bizarre to me that journalism in England have also embraced it.

From her date of birth it shows that Laurie as a north node soul journey in Aries, and author Jan Spiller shares with us that they have a major 'identity' issue due to their past lives. 'They're born without an inborn sense of identity'. 'They're continually self-sacrificing, this represses the part of themselves, that cannot possibly be that way all of the time, which creates an intense polarity'. Source: Astrology for the Soul, Pages 31 and 32, written by Jan Spiller.

Feminists born with this north node would be willing to sacrifice their own nation and its identity due to their past lives. Their healing song tells them to put the books down, and go beyond the brain, because whatever they do, they will suffer the pain of judgement day in their lives. They require deep soul healing to make their journey easier.

The video below is indicative of how people with this north node often behave, just look at what Laurie chose to do, its not so much about what she said to him, but more about her motivation for saying it. Also Aries tend to talk first, and then consider their words and actions afterwards, just as it is shown in the video. What other people think of them really matters to north node Aries especially those that they wish to impress.

What is it about these young women that have the audacity to ask the older generation if they paid tax and where they paid it? Laurie was asked to attend a conference and this is how she spoke to her elder, goodness gracious me, what planet is she on? They appear to think that they have more rights than other people.

This generation of north node Aries are different to the those born in the late 60's due to their saturn's being in a different sign, and that explains the difference between the Feminists born in the late 60's versus those that were born in the middle 80s'.

21st century Aries North Node April 7, 1986 - December 2, 1987, 26th December, 2004 - 21st Jun, 2006.  The generations with this north node born prior to that were born between 20 August, 1967 - 19th April, 1969.

North node Aries have 'Co-Dependent' issues, 'Relationship Karma', and as seen in Laurie's profile they often have 'teenage eating disorders' due to their 'Identity Crisis'. They find themselves 'blocked' in relationships, especially around the time of their first 'Saturn Return' that is always a difficult time for people. They view themselves as 'Warriors' when in fact, what they're really required to do is heal the 'Warrior' within, those 'mysterious wounds' from past lives.

Its essential for them to attain wholeness, and they can only do that on a soul level by healing it and its memories, yet they 'struggle' with their own souls, and its will, and that is why they often find themselves involved in a 'struggle' with other people. Only when they've had enough of life circumstances and their own human co-creation, do people then surrender to their own souls and what their soul would like them to see and heal. Its no surprise then that most of the people born with this north node, just happen to be 'atheists' like Laurie.

Did she really attend so that her first question could be a personal one to a male member that she was sharing the stage with? What happened to respecting your elders and colleagues whether they are male or female? What happened to respecting privacy and its law? Seriously, are contemporary Feminists the only ones that are allowed rights? What about everyone else and their rights to freedom of speech? My message to Laurie is this - this is not America, this is England, and you shall not be allowed to break its heart.

I had a similar situation last year when I phoned a London newspaper to encourage the paper to do a story about the 1950's women that have had their pensions removed. The journalist had the audacity to ask whether I had paid tax during my life. The journalist on the Evening Standard in London, had absolutely no concern at all about what has happened to working women in our nation. No concern for women at all, not even for the fact that those that are in their 40's now, will have to work until the age of 70 prior to receiving their pension.

What about all of those men and women that paid their taxes during their lifetimes, and passed over prior to receiving their pension? What do they think about that? Pick up your hearts and ponder upon what the politicians have done.

Yesterday, I watched Milo Yiannopoulos and Christiana Hoff Sommers as they present information on the topic of contemporary Feminism. How it differs to the original, how its changed, and the impact that it has had on university campus, and society. Its a fascinating discussion and Q&A, and both Milo and Christiana did a great job of expressing their very serious concerns. Its long, although important to listen to.

Challenge moves people beyond their comprehension, and the feminist movement is certainly being challenged on all levels; due to the co-creation for humanity as a whole, including those that refer to themselves as a feminist, that's a 'label' isn't it? Feminist. When I was their age, we were so filled with optimism, confidence and opportunity. We didn't require 'labels', although some called us 'Hippies'.

Our love of freedom just shone from our souls, as we travelled through life joyously, and had the good fortune to travel in, and experience other cultures in Europe. We were so appreciative of the opportunities that we had been given, and we held our parents in high esteem. As we appreciated what our parents had done to make it possible for us to live in that love of freedom; to be who we were born to be.

With the greatest respect for our elders at home, and in the work environment, the givers shone their love and light for all to see. We were so busy enjoying our freedom creatively, and the vine of Joseph that climbs over every wall, for England is the land of Joseph, and Joseph is the flame. We climbed over 'class barriers' that had existed for our parents. We moved in different circles socially, we rose to every challenge that we found, and we did it with a whole lot of love.

So what to do with people like Laurie Penny? Jesus refers to them as a 'Nuisance' and there is a law that applies to those people that make a 'Public Nuisance' of themselves. I think we will see many of these feminists start to get a wake-up call, a reality check, when they are sued and have to pay the cost. That is his solution to it, make them pay for it. Eventually they will get the message.

They will have to pay for their 'disruption' of honest debate and discussion, at conferences, universities, and in any public place. Whatever public location they are in, if they are intent on making a 'nuisance' of themselves, then they can anticipate they will get sued, not just removed from the venue or campus.

Although I would also remove them from their education, and tell them that they can return to higher education, when they have learned to behave in a proper manner for a scholar. Behave yourselves being the key word in this timeline. What has been given, can also be taken away from those that make a 'Nuisance' of themselves.

The money raised from this endeavour can go towards children whose parents cannot afford higher education. Children that are appreciative of the opportunity that they are offered. Humble hearted children that have the humility to accept the empowerment of education as a great gift in their life.

Those that ask shall be given, where there is a will, there is always a way! Now that is real social justice for you, giving to those that have kept their peace. You see, Jesus asked for Elijah's Fire and when he asks for his firebrand, his flame of Joseph, he certainly receives it.


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