
Tuesday 5 July 2016


Just watched a video of Dennis Skinner that supported 'Zero Contracts' and Liberals have also been seen to applaud in other videos.

The remain in the EU Project voters would've have liked to see 'Zero Hour' contracts spread across the whole of Europe. That's easy for Dennis Skinner to say, does he have children that have been given those contracts with no workers rights? Dennis also said that the EU Project hasn't done anything for the workers since 1997.

As Dennis Skinner seen youngsters sent home from work four days on the trot after they spent the money to get to work for a shift? Has he seen the fact that 'Zero Hour Contracts' is 'anti-workers rights' and the only people that they really benefit is the corporations and companies that offer them?

I have respect for Dennis Skinner but does he have any idea the sheer impact that those contracts have had on our workforce and their self-esteem? How would he feel if he spent his own money to travel to parliament and an hour after he got there everyday for four days, he was sent home?

How would he feel if he had made arrangements to spend the weekend with his mother on his weekend off, and then he was called into work that weekend? How would Dennis feel then? What would he say to his family in such circumstances? You see these youngsters don't get their travelling expenses paid like MPs do Dennis. These young people don't get their accommodation paid for on expenses like MPs do when they go to work.

Has Skinner ever been a business owner and has he trained youngsters so that they can prosper in a career, or has he just supported social policy that ensures that the rich get richer on the backs of the poor, because that is what 'Zero Hour' contracts are all about.

Staff at your disposal, people commodity, and Jesus stands against people commodity for the profit of the corporations. I've seen immigrant Muslim champion these contracts and give glory to the EU Project for it - and they think it is workers rights that gives people an opportunity. Sorry, in those circumstances there are no workers rights in zero hour contracts.

As Jesus said during the Rev 12 timeline, 'People are not a commodity, without love they become so'. 

When people are sent home after being all revved up for a work shift, when youngsters are called in on their day off or during holiday time, how can they plan their lives or have any security or stability in their lives? I appreciate helping a company out when it is required. However, this is not just about helping out now, they've actually based a whole social economic policy upon it, and our workforce have to take their power back and in so doing our country.

None of you can justify it to me financially because if immigration had been positive for the UK, there would be no austerity or human cost. Does anyone have a moral compass?

They've got youngsters on a minimum wage, on minimum and no hours if and when required. The only people that are really gaining from that is the corporations that are 'profiting on the backs of the poor.' They've got staff at their disposal with no real workers rights, not even for relaxation and holiday time. BREXIT, take your power back, and in so doing take back our country.

They've also got people on 'Welfare-to-Work' programs enforcing our people to volunteer in exchange for their 'unemployment or 'sickness benefit'. Where is the workers rights in that? And if the will of the people is compelled by God not to submit to the demands of the American Maximux Inc Corporation on behalf of DWP, they then sanction those people.

Also the Conservatives told our people that they should work as hard as the Chinese, have they seen the 'child slave labour' on the streets of Athens? Do the Conservatives know who those oriental children are? Work as hard as the Chinese, goodness gracious me, and it was even immigrants in our country that had the audacity to say it.

Yea, they have lot of workers and human rights in China don't they, people jump off buildings in China because they can't live with how they make those Chinese people work. So no, no to China, no to 'slave labour', do not hold up China as an example of socialism or working class work ethics.

Our working class dads fought for workers rights prior to the EU Project impacting upon our lives, workers rights that the EU Project then took that away with the vast immigration. If you look at the devastation it has caused to so many lives of our indigenous people and their children, you can see that immigration was not a bonus for our country.

The NHS are asking for volunteers to look after the elderly, whatever next. At the same time Jacob says that parliament spending £250,000 on MP portraits is 'chickenfeed'. Perhaps he would like to volunteer his services at the local hospital, and send his children to volunteer to look after the elderly. 

As I've said before, bring back the Matron, bring back training nurses on the ward where they get real experience that can help them with their career path. It also ensures that those people receive a proper qualification for being a nurse and not just a paper one. Those that deserve it put in proper effort into the service that trains them on the ward full-time. 

In my day people were given the opportunity to train in a job on the job, we didn't mind getting low pay to start with because we were living at home with our parents, we knew that our salary would increase with promotion, and when it did then we could afford to leave home. Living at home, also meant that our parents could keep an eye on how we were growing into the job, and the impact it was having on us as individuals. 

When 1950s women began work, we appreciated the fact that we had been given the opportunity to train for a career on the job and if we applied our strong working class work ethic and competence then we would prosper and we did. Rapid promotions were given to young people in response to the sheer amount of effort that we put in, and the companies made space for those promotions. 

In the companies that were very small, at least the children were given the opportunity to get a head start in the career of their choice. The Son of Joseph was a great believer in trying lots of different things until you find what you like doing. Although he was fully aware how important a stable and secure financial income was for a man that would have to support his family. 

Youngsters that began with small companies often received a good name to put on their CV's combined with the training from professionals in their field. Additional college or university was an option if people chose to go that route. Most of the 1950s children didn't go that route, most went straight to work and did their best at the age of 15. 

The companies that they worked for mentioned on their CV's also helped the youngsters to get another job. It was often the case that the youngsters that worked for small companies and small business people were given the same workers right as those that employed them. So for instance if we got all the work done by the end of the week, we could all go home early on Friday with pay. This was career training on the job. 

And the most competent small business owners would give their trainees, day release to go to college with pay, and also provide day release to go to spend a day with different suppliers so that they could gain an insight into other work streams, and businesses that were involved in the industries that they had chosen. 

This gave the youngsters the added benefit of a broader perspective that they could discuss with their employer, and ask questions about other aspects that they might be interested in. It also gave the youngsters more contacts in business. Its important that youngsters know who they're talking to on the phone, face-to-face meetings are very important in people business. Investors in people. So youngsters were given the opportunity to meet some of these people and gain more confidence in the industry that they were employed in. 

A small business person with an ethical and big business background, professional that was given opportunities to prosper as a youngster then knows how to help the youngsters to step up the ladder of success in their careers. Having thought for the youngsters, and how they can prosper on the back of the business owner and their contacts, like dad letting me ride on his back when I was a toddler. 

Hows that for success and caring fully for young people? Competent business owners holding hands with the youngsters so that they can be helped to find their path in life and increase their prospects of securing a happy and joyous time too. 

Guiding the children through the minefield of business, ensuring that they are aware of what some people are capable of. Unveiling the truth to the youngsters and preparing the youngsters the best way that we know how in integrity of the heart. To ensure that they become strong in heart and in Spirit due to their experience that they gained in integrity. I know for a fact that the children that I trained did prosper although even then it was a tough economic climate. 

Had it not been for the recession, I would've gone onto expand my business, and the training opportunities for young people. So by the economy impacting on small businesses, that then impacts on the amount of children that can be trained at the grass roots of society by real professionals. 

Youngsters require work experience more than anything else, because it is experience and competence with serious effort that gets and keeps jobs! And just because a person has trained at college or university doesn't mean that they're competent in that discipline in the work place; because so much depends on the competence of their teacher and professional background, and whether it is applicable to the company and its clients. Work ethic and integrity, you've either got it or you haven't. 

At the end of the day, as Jesus said, 'Wisdom will be proven right'. 

He said, "Its a Space Oddity isn't it?". 

Love you beyond measure

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