
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom (nee Salmon) as stepped forward as a candidate to lead the the people through BREXIT. When these people step forward its a good idea to take a look at their history as documented on their profiles and Andrea was involved in the LEAVE campaign as was Jacob Rees-Mogg. They both have financial backgrounds and involvement in energy.

Andrea is talking about the possibility of concluding the EU Project negotiations by as early as Christmas, due to the sheer importance of providing the stability that business requires, now that the country has been given the clarity on the direction that has been determined by the people.

At the same time Nigel Farage has resigned, and he will certainly be on BREXIT as the decisions made will have to be debated in the EU Parliament where he stands.

Andrea Jacqueline Leadsom was born on the 13th May, 1963, a generation after mine.

A woman that considers herself to be a person that grew up being in the EU Project.

The 13th of May, is the 'Day of Appeal', and she certainly does have appeal for many people.

13th May makes her a Taurus the bull, and they can often be in the China shop. Taurus tend to be heavily involved with home, and that is really an important aspect of BREXIT defending the home and our country.

Is she a woman for the home country? She certainly comes across as a diplomat, although as written, the people have to be on it due to her history. Taurus can be very earth based due to being an earth sun sign. Another Christian who talks about Christian values, seriously does that exist in the Conservative party?

Some seem to think it does, although I have a different view of it - and what they do that includes what is written in the scriptures. I'm sure some will take a look at her voting record and comment on that. Although at the moment people would just like a quick exit. So what do you think of the Salmon that is being served up at the dinner parties? Could you afford fresh Crab like the Tories?

The year that Andrea was born gives us 1963, and her soul journey determined by her North Node is in Cancer, so again, another homebody sign, that tends to move sideways, and bury themselves in the sand.  They are people that like to be in 'control' so 'control of immigration', would fit into that and they also have very clear boundaries. Did Andrea give her last two coins?

Work career in finance, first elected as an MP in 2010, in 2015, she became a minister in Cameron's cabinet, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change. That was a rapid career progression wasn't it? So is it a silver lining in a dark cloud over the Conservative Party? You decide whether it really is a fresh start, or business as usual. As we have heard all about the fresh starts before, and history shows us how often history repeats itself.

Conservatism has always been business orientated and they didn't exactly jump to the rescue of small business people that were impacted upon during the 80s-90s recession, that cost the nation a lot more than most people realise. Remember what Thatcher said, 'Buy British' and that doesn't mean Mars Bars that are an American corporation product with the rest of the sweets that you should examine.

My advice, remember what Jesus said to his followers about the fish in the Parable of the Net, and don't forget what they did to spiritual David when he tried to work with the corporations in ecological self-sustainability. Let us not forget Lady Diana and her compassionate action, or the Son of Joseph and what happened to him.


Also remember what big business is getting away with in this country. Remember Vodafone and the huge tax bill, at the same time as austerity upon the poorest of our nation. Always examine their motivations and where they're coming from, and review their social policies that are impacting on our people.

70% of my generation grew up in social housing, and 1950s women had their pensions removed from them by the Conservatives. Not only did they remove their pensions, they've also tried to remove their homes too. 500,000 women that helped to build this nation, and that's how they were treated by the younger generation.

Women that worked hard, brought up their children and went to work too. Women that did their utmost to help the younger generations to prosper, women that began their own small businesses. Women that were sincerely charitable, giving and loving to our nation, women that worked in health and education. Women that were happy to pay taxes to enable the NHS to thrive, women that gave it their all for love, because we believed in our nation and its English justice to help everyone.

Were my generation idealists? I think we were rational, with strong work ethics, and belief in what is right, and that includes the right of the disabled and unemployed to be given the utmost financial support and love beyond measure. Is mercy too much to ask for? The LORD asked for mercy not sacrifice, and if there was ever a merciful government, then there would be no austerity upon our people.

The spiritual community of Jesus was funded by the rich, how many spiritual communities did the current Conservatives fund? Jesus didn't ask for buildings as in Churches, mystical spiritual teachers provide much more than a church ever could.

As one retired pastor said to me after 30 years when he was looking sad, he said, 'In 30 years my congregation didn't change'. He had contemplated his life's work and what he had achieved during his Church employment.

Its a bit like the Conservatives really, have they really changed in the last 30 years? Even Jacob Rees-Mogg supports the Vatican. The Conservatives and finance!

You know what Jesus said to the rich man don't you?

The LORD loves the gates of ZION more than all of the dwellings of Jacob.

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