
Saturday 4 June 2016


'Dharma Day' is being celebrated in my location on the 17th July, 2016, and in numerics that is the 'Day of Career'. I have been blessed to work with Buddhists in the past, and it was shared with the recent eclipses to bring forth the best with you, and leave the rest behind.

How can Buddhists speak of enlightenment, have they seen Buddha?

Have they experienced enlightenment themselves?

Interesting that the bible speaks of enlightenment for it was known in the timeline of Prophet Isaiah and in his prophet schools that came to be. Yet he spoke of the future and a woman in relationship to a prophecy in respect of the future. He also spoke of a man that the LORD would consult to enlighten him. He spoke of a timeline when he would give strength to the weary, and increase the power of the weak.

It is often the case that people can feel weak physically, especially as they get older, yet they are strong in heart and in their Spirit when they live the truth in alignment with the spiritual law.

How 'the youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. How they will soar on wings like eagles. 'Isaiah 40. Does that remind you of the Rev 12 timeline when we were teaching souls to fly, for that is what self-development and self-healing is about. Liberating the soul so that it can ascend from the well of being. For well being is about enlightenment and how it comes to be.

Although humanity have made it into a 'health well-being', when in fact, it is far beyond that on a spiritual level. Your spiritual advancement, ascension and enlightenment is not measured by how healthy you are on a physical level.

An example is that a person can be physically 'blind' but he can still attain enlightenment, there is nothing standing in that persons way to soar on the wings of an angel, due to their positive self-development. The same with people who are wheelchair bound. How wonderful then; although they may not be able to work due to disability, yet they can still become enlightened beings.

Scripture also mentions how it was asked that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom, and revelation, so that you may know him better.

Disabled people did come to Spirit, and they were helped with their spiritual development. Physical impairment did not stand in the way of the soul, once the people were aligned with their souls and their hearts.

'I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. And his incomparable great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength, he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead, and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms. Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked. Not only in the present age but in the age to come.' Ephesians 1:17-21

Jesus predicted that wisdom would come in the last days of the end times, and that she would be proven right. He knew that she would exalt his teachings, prophecy, revelations, and explain the spiritual law as he conveyed it to his healers. That the good deeds of compassionate action would be shared and in so doing, people could give glory to the heavenly Father that sent him to bring back what had been hidden. To disclose the truth to those that have the ears to hear it, the eyes to see and the heart to understand.

Ephesians mentions the 'eyes of your heart', the eyes of the heart of a man that is physically 'blind', can be fully opened by his spiritual development when blessed with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

When the heart is truly open then the people can see what was meant to be for them to be free, after they have been given the key to their hearts by the Spirit of wisdom. For how can you open your hearts so that they can become enlightened unless you have the key to do so?

Well-being and its enlightenment cannot be achieved by aspiration, for you have to transcend aspiration to attain it. It can be the most incredible spiritual journey you have ever encountered.

Yet what comes after it do you know? Life before, continues afterwards, yet you have changed, you are a different person than you were before you gained the core of your being. Your purest essence, the source of your enlightenment will carry you through the rest of your journey on the planet. For how could you ever forget what you have encountered and what you have seen and experienced?

'Enlightenment springs from the well of peace' and that revelation is our gift and promise to you, for you to ponder deeply upon.

That is why I say to you that life before continues afterwards, because the well of peace comes first and enlightenment comes afterwards, after enlightenment you still have your peace.  Once you have attained true peacefulness, truly, who can take it from you? For it is your true inner being, and your inherent goodness to be peaceful in your life and living it.

Your physical being may scream or cry in 'agony', yet the Spirit will guide you around it, like walking around a volcano that is erupting, with divine revelation so that you can retain, maintain, and sustain your peacefulness once you have attained it.

Just for a moment in time you may feel or hear the scream that is released, like releasing tears or tension from the body that can build up. Like cutting a flower or tree from its root. Prior to planting another flower or another tree to replace it.

The Spirit always responds when you are true to the Sprit to guide you on, with the rest of your journey on the planet. That you can be sure of; when you live in trustful loyalty to the spiritual path of enlightenment, that you have been on for divine purpose and reason for being. When you are faithful to Spirit, Spirit is faithful to you, it is the perfect marriage that supports your life.

Children that are 'kicking cancer', are being taught how to use their breath, how to use their chi, their energy positively, for truly it begins with your energy and how you choose to implement and integrate it for a positive purpose. Power, Peace and Purpose is their motto. and they are a living example of children living in harmony with the spiritual law of their being.

It goes beyond thought, for pure intention is of the pure heart of intelligence and the energy of the universe is intelligent - the energy knows exactly where to go and what to do. The Spirit works in ways that are not only mysterious, it is incredibly uplifting.

For if you understood every mystery, what more would there be for you to enjoy? Life is designed for you to enjoy it, and the children that are 'kicking cancer', are enjoying kicking it - so that they can overcome it and be victorious. A pure example of martial arts that was originally found in Buddhism with the power of healing. The ability to defend the body, the ability to heal, the ability to overcome and be victorious when you are willing to be as the little children in the kingdom of heaven.

We look at those children with the light of hope in our hearts, the little children showing humanity the way. So turn your hearts to the children, for they will turn their hearts to you. Children like to have fun, although, have you noticed how they also like to be peaceful?

Peacefulness is natural for children, just as they were peaceful in the womb, so they can be peaceful when they leave the womb, if you help them to be. Just look at their little angelic faces when they are sleeping, such heavenly peace. If anything could inspire you to regain that peacefulness within yourselves, than remember looking at your own child's face, with the power of love in your heart, and you will get the point of it immediately.

When you look at your child with true peace in your heart, that child knows that you are peaceful, and when the child knows that intuitively, you are leading by example. As such, peacefulness will never leave that child's heart when they have lived with it. Just as when a child is truly loved by their parents, the memories of their love never leaves their heart.

When children have lived with that peace in love beyond measure, they will always gravitate towards it - even though they may have much to overcome on their journey prior to returning to it. For their north node does give us indicators on the map of their lives, in respect of what their soul journey is for, that they've chosen pre-destination.

I will always remember a client's story of an 18 month old baby that insisted on listening to our meditation healing CD before going to sleep. The feminine baby, found out for her self how to work the CD player, how and where to put the CD in, and how to press it on for the first time, because she wished to listen to the the sound of my voice on the healing meditation.

Divine providence indeed, if there was ever confirmation from Spirit that was it - for those with the Spirit. Divinely given, divinely chosen by the soul of the baby still in her nappies. Sheer awesomeness, babies are from heaven and are heavenly.

That little girl is a teenager now!

The Dharma is more than truthfulness, it is righteous, for the spiritual law is just what humanity is required to find within their hearts. How wonderful then when children discover that they have the power to make the 'pain go away'.

I had some pain again last night on my left jaw, I then dabbed on my Tea Tree oil, I then gave myself some hands-on healing and drifted peacefully off to sleep. The leaves for healing the nations.

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