
Saturday 4 June 2016

Liquorice Update

Today was a ginger root day, and I managed to get three large ginger roots for £1. A lb of cherries and a punnet of strawberries. I also sought the liquorice due to smelling it last week, and then discovered why it is important for our health.

Its written that in traditional Chinese medicine, liquorice is believed to harmonize the ingredients in a formula and to carry the formula to the 12 regular meridians. In Ayurvedic medicine, Liquorice is given for 'rejuvenation'. Now did you know that they put liquorice in tobacco? Maybe that is why smokers have healthier brains than those that don't! I wonder what smoking liquorice leaves would be like?

I think that I would like it, as I like liquorice tea too. Its ideal for people that may have any neurodegenerative conditions. I didn't manage to get any liquorice sticks or tea today, although I did find some Pontefract Cakes. In Pontefract people used to grow it in their gardens and it has been growing in England for centuries. Its also written that in the 18th century, it was given to humans and horses medicinally.

George Dunhill bought the German confectioner HARIBO, and he was also a liquorice grower.

Apparently, demand was beyond what the 12 liquorice farmers in Pontefract could provide so in the 19th century they began importing extract from Turkey. The EU issued a health warning on restricting the amount a person eats to 100mg or less per day. In a 160g bag, it states that it contains six portions. So enough for a week!

As I write this I am being told 'You Can Cook It', liquorice cakes would be great, although you could also include it in cooking as a herb, and the sticks could be put in curries like cinnamon sticks. 

I wonder how easy it is to grow, only one way to find out. I did mention it to a young couple last year, and the farmer said that he had already begun to plant some. Maybe our British farmers should be farming more liquorice, no requirement for extract from Turkey then.

Did you eat liquorice when you were a child? How about Bassetts Allsorts? Once upon a time, they were on my client list, its fascinating what different careers bring into your life. 

I liked liquorice laces and liquorice wheels the best, some might call them twirls. Its rare to find those in the shops these days. Although you used to be able to get three wheels in a packet, after they stopped selling single wheels. Although the liquorice sticks and leaves are more healthy for you than the confectionary. As prophecy ordained, the leaves are for healing the nations. 

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